A History of Horncastle from the Earliest Period to the Present Time/Index

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Abrincis, Hugo de, "The Wolf," 206.

Accident, remarkable, of Dr. J. B. Smith, 94.

Adelias de Cundi, 1, 16, 17, 200.

Albemarle, Earl of, 166.

Aldrich, Bishop of Carlisle, 30 and note.

Allison, Henry, wealthy, in Hull, 158.

Allenby, Henry, Chemist to H.MS., 157,

Allerton, Lord, Horncastrian, 152.

Ancaster, Earl of. 204.

Angevine, family of, 27. 28.

Angus, Earl of, 168, 181.

Arms of Charles I., 191.

 „ temp. Charles I., 192.

 „ of Marmyon, Dymoke, Umfraville, Willoughby, &c., in Coningsby Church, 205.

Ashby, West, 176-180.

 „ Church described, 181, 182.

Ayscough, Clynton, 198.

 „ Elizabeth, 201.

 „ Henry, 201.

 „ Walter, 198.

 „ William, 197.


Babington, Miss, window to, 59.

Bage, i.e. sod, 189.

Baieux, Bishop of, 165, 166.

Bain, river name, meaning of, 2.

Baker, Thomas, cricketer, ventriloquist, &c., 159.

Banks, Sir Joseph, 31, 181, 194 and note, 196, 200

Baptists, sect of, 84-86.

 „ Chapel, 84.

Barkham, Sir Robert, 187.

Barracks at Queen's Head Inn, 162.

Bavent, Eudo de, 27, 196.

 „ Close, field name, 27.

Beaumont, family of, 190.

Bell and Lancastrian Schools, 111, 112.

Berewick in Coningsby, held by Sortibrand, 206.

 „ in Wilksby, 207.

Bertie, Hon. Charles, 187.

 „ Richard, 182, 186.

Bevere, Drogo de, 166.

Bishop of Carlisle, 12, 30 and note.

"Black Death" 2t Horncastle, 51, 189.

Bocher, Arthur, Esq., 188.

Bolle, Charles, 187.

 „ George, 187,

Bolles, Sir Robert, 171.

Boucherett, Ascoghe, 198.

Boulton, Dr. Barnard, window to, 37.

 „ Henry, window to first wife, 38.

 „ "Billy," anecdote of, 160.

Bourne, The Venerable Hugh, 73-76.

 „ College, 77.

Brackenbury, Mr. Carr, Wesley's friend, 66, 68, and note.

"Branks," or "scold's bridle," 205.

Brandon. Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 196, 200, 202, 207.

British words still used, 3.

Britons, Cæsar's description of, 2, 3 and notes.

 „ good workmen, 3.

Britons, Tacitus account of, 5.

Brown, Rev. Benson, 153.

 „  John, "Laureate," 158, 159.

 „  Martin, and press gang, 156.

Brownists, sect of, 78.

Bunyon, John, 84.

"Butts," field name, meaning of, 174.


Calthrop Lieut. Richard, window to, 180.

Camville, Gerard de, 26.

Canal, Horncastle, history of, 126-129.

 „  opening ceremony, 127-128.

Canals recognised by Magna Charta, 128.

Caparn, Rev. W. B., 153.

Capella, Henry de, 178.

Carlisle, Bishops of, 46, 167, 168, 181, 196, 200, 203, 207.

Carsey (or Kersey), John, 202.

Catherine, St., altar of, 200.

 „   „  chantry of, 36, 37.

Cecil, Sir Thomas, 29, 30, 203.

Chamerlayn dole, 189.

Chapel, St. Laurence's, 33, 34.

Charles I., arms of, 191.

Charters of markets and fairs, 18.

Chattels of felons granted to bishop, 19, 45.

Cheney, family of, 16, 17.

Church, St. Mary's, 33-45.

 „  not original, 33.

 „  plate, 55, 56.

 „  restored, 56.

 „  Holy Trinity, 57-59.

 „   „   „  architect of, 57.

 „  Lads' Brigade, 63.

 „  Schools, National, 63.

 „  service, absence from, fined, 48.

Clarke, Rev. T. J., Vicar, account, 60.

Claribel, Mrs. Barnard, 180.

Clerical Club, 63, 137, 138.

Clinton, Lord, and family, 12, 20, 21, 92 and note, 188.

Clinton, Lord, engraving of, 97.

 „  Sir Edward, 12.

Clitherow, Mr. Robert, window to, 38.

Clowes, William, 75, 76.

Cock and Breeches Inn, 162.

Cock-fighting. 164.

Coins found at Mareham-on-the-Hill, 184.

Coningsby, 203-207.

 „  Church, 204-7.

 „  land owners of, 204.

 „  Rector of, Poet laureate, 205, 206.

 „  Sir Fitz-William, Sheriff, 206.

 „   „  at battle of the Boyne saved the king's life. 206

Coningsby, mansion of, 206.

Conyngsby, Humphrey. 187, 206.

Constable, an old smuggler, 162.

Coppuldyke, Thomas and wife, guild of, 43 and note.

Corn Exchange, 140-142.

Court House, account of, 135, 136.

Craycroft of Craycroft, 187.

Cressey, Nicholas, gent., 198.

Crispus and Crispinianus, window, 37 and note, 43 and note.

Cromwell visits Horncastle, 32.

Cromwell, Ralph de, 190.

Cussons, John, Confederate General, &c., 158.


Danish Conquerors, 10.

Despenser, Robert, 191, 195, 205, 206, 207.

Despensers, Earls of Gloucester, 195.

Destructive storms at Horncastle, 51.

Dispensary, history of, 119-125.

 „  balls, 124.

 „  dispensers, 124.

 „  legacies, 125.

 „  present building, 124, 125.

 „  presidents, 123, 124.

 „  sermons, 122, 123.

 „  vice-presidents, 124.

Dixon, Miss Annie, artist, 151.

Dogdyke, i.e. Dock-dyke, 204.

Dole, Chamerlayn, at Roughton, 188.

Drill Hall, 148 150.

Drogo de Bruere, 206

Dymoke, Edward, 188.

 „  John, of Haltham, 191.

 „  John, Rev., 190.

 „  Lionel, curious will of, 183-184.

 „  Robert, 187.

 „  Sir Henry, 189.

 „  Sir Lionel, monument to, 41.

 „   „  engraving, 43.

 „  Thomas, 187.

Dymokes, 205, 206, 208, 210.


Eastwood, family of, 190.

Editha, Queen, 180.

Elmhirst, General Charles, window to, 179.

 „  William, Esq., 180.

Enderby, Wood, 201-203.

Escald, Gerald de, 11, 17, 200.

Eusden, Rev. Laurence, Poet Laureate, Rector of Coningsby, 205.


Fast, solemn, at Horncastle, 51.

Felons, right to try, of Bishop of Carlisle, 45.

Fighting Cocks Inn, 164.

 „   „   „  foxhounds kept at, 164.

 „   „   „  scythe fair at, 164.

Fitz-William, family of, 28, 29.

Forests, extensive, 2, 3 and note, 18 and note, 202 and note, 207.

Fox, Mrs. Salome, window to, 38.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs, in church, 44.

Franklin, Sir John, 156.

Freshville, Peter, Frances, daughter of, 42 and note.

Fynes, Norreys, Esq., 189.

 „  Thomas, 206.


Gairmaro, Geoffrey, chronicler, 16 and note.

Gallows of Bishop of Carlisle, 19.

 „  at Thimbleby, of Abbot, 170.

Gaunt, Walter, 166 and note, 167.

George, Dr. Hugh, window to, 59.

 „  Inn, 162.

 „   „  incident at, 163.

Gibson, Thomas, Vicar, 39, 40 and note, 51, 52.

Giles, Prebendary, window to, 39.

Gilliat, Rev. Edward, author, &c., 152

Glenham family, 196, 201.

Goldie, Rev. C. D., Curate, account of, 62.

Goodrich, Robert, 187.

Grace, Pilgrimage of, 47, 48.

Grammar School, history of, 91-107.

 „   „  distinctions of old boys, 105.

 „   „  distinguished boys, 95, 96.

 „   „  games and customs, 99-104.

 „   „  Governors, 92.

Grammar School, Madge, Dr., late Master, 105.

 „   „  Masters, former under, 97-99.

 „   „  modern, 105.

 „   „  new buildings, future, 107.

 „   „  origin of, early, 91, 92, 106.

 „   „  property of, 92.

 „   „  White, Rev. T., 99.

 „   „  Worman, Mr. A. N., 105.

Grosvenor, Rev Francis, 98, 99.

 „   „  F., 152, 153.


Hallgarth, interesting old house in Thimbleby, 172.

Haltham, 190-192.

 „  church, interesting, 191.

Hamerton, John, Churchwarden, 39.

 „  family, 52, 53.

Hangman's Corner, 19, 46.

Hardingshall, Sir William, 187.

Hartgrave, Paganell, of Wilksby, 208.

Hartwell, Lady, 188.

Harwood, Mr. F., window to, 38.

Hawley, Sir Henry M., 189.

Heald, George, Chancellor, 163.

 „  and Lola Montez, incident, 163.

Healey, A. H., athlete, 154.

Heathcote, Sir Gilbert, 204.

 „  Sir John, 205.

Heneage family, 190.

Henry IV., vists Horncastle, 32.

"Hoblers" for the army, 14.

Holles, Gervase, description of church windows, 43 and note.

Holles, Gervase, wife buried at Horncastle, 37 and note.

Holme, i.e. island, Danish, 2.

Hopton, Sir Ingram, 40, 41.

Horncastle, British settlement, 1.

 „  Manor, owners of, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24.

 „  market tolls, 13, 14.

 „  Benefice, King appoints to, 46.

 „  Rector murdered, 46.

 „  Rector changed to Vicar, 47.

 „  Peter de Galicia appointed to, 47.

 „  Rectors and Vicars, list of, 50, 51.

 „  rectory house, former, 55.

Hotchkin, family of, connected with Thimbleby, 172.

Hounds kept at Fighting Cocks, 164.


Independents, sect of and chapel, 77-83.

Islep, Simon de, Rector, 19, 46.


"Jack" Musters kept hounds at Fighting Cocks, 164.


Keane, Charles, and Horncastle, 156.

 „  Edmund, 156.

Kemp family and Thimbleby, 173, 175.

 „  meaning of name, 173 and note.

Kent, John, owner of Horncastle Manor, 24.

King's Head Inn, thatched, 164.

Kirkstead, Thimbleby belonged to Abbot of, 169, 170.

 „  Abbot of, arbitrary action of, 170.

Knyght, questionable action of, 169.


Lancastrian and Bell Schools, 111, 112.

Langley, Ambrose, footballer, 157.

Langton, John de, Rector of Horncastle, Bishop of Chichester, 46.

Langrick, meaning of, 209.

Langriville, 209.

 „  Church, 209, 210.

 „  School, 210.

Langworth, meaning of, 204.

Leweline, Joan de, 207.

Leych, William, curious will of, 197.

Lincolnshire Rising. 47, 48, 187.

 „   „  William Leche, "begynner" of, 47.

Lindsey, Earl of, 187.

Literary Society, 138.

Lizures, William de, 26, 27.

Lodge, Canon S., lectern given by, 39 and note.

 „   „  Master of Grammar School, 99.

Lola Montez, incident, 163.

Lord, Rev. Thomas, centenarian, 82, 89-90.

L'Oste, Rev. S., Rector of Langton, 93.

Lovell, Sir Thomas, Knt., 202.

Lysurs, Alice de, 207.


Madely, Dr. Clement, tablet to, in St. Mary's, 44 and note.

Malcolm, Lord, of Poltallock, Lord of Langriville Manor, 209, 210.

Malingars, field name, 191.

Mareham-le-Fen, 192-198.

 „   „  church described, 192-194.

Mareham-on-the-Hill, 183, 184.

 „   „   „  Church, 184.

Marwood, hangman, 154, 155.

Massingbird, Thomas, 187.

Mechanics' Institute, 139, 140.

Milner, Canon, W. H., Vicar, 61.

Moorby, 198-200.

 „  church described, 198.

 „  communion plate, 199.

 „  minstrel column, 199.

Mordaunt, John, owner in Coningsby, 206.

Moyne, Thomas, rebel, 188

Murder at Queen's Head Inn, 162.

Musters, "Jack," kept hounds, 164.


Newcomen, family, 187, 190, 198.

New Jerusalem, sect of, 86-89.

 „   „  Chapel, 88.

 „   „  first resident minister, 89.

Ninian, St., in window of St Mary's, 37, 43 and note.

Nonconformist places of worship, 64-90.

Norman Conquerors, 11, 13.


Oddities of Horncastle, 160, 161.

Organ, fine, of parish church, 36.

Ortiay, Henry del, tenure by spurs, 180, 181, 203.

Ouseley, Sir F. Gore, of Wesley family, 64 and note.

Oven, public, 134 and note.

Overseer, a woman appointed, 188.


Paganell, Ranulph de, 177.

Palfreyman, of Horncastle, 52.

Palmer, Rev. E. R. H. G., 184.

Pancake bell, 34.

Paynell, 178.

Penance done in church, 186.

Pilgrimage of Grace, 47, 48.

Pingle, field name, 191.

Plague, 188, 191.

Plesington, Henry, Knt., 187.

Primitive Methodists, sect of, 71-77.

 „   „  chapel described, 72

Publichouses, 161-164.

 „  now gone, 162, 163, 164.


Quarrington, Canon E. F., late Vicar, window to, 37.

Queen's Head Inn, murder at, 162.


Raengeires, British leader, 9

Railway, 130-132.

 „  opening ceremony of, 131, 132.

Ravennas, Geographer, 5 and note.

Rayne, Bishop's Chancellor, slain, 48.

Rennie, Mr. John, Engineer, 209.

Rhodes, Gerard de, 184, 203.

 „  Ralph de, 12, 17, 18, 19, 180, 184. 191, 192, 200, 203, 206.

Rinder, Mr. Joseph, 178.

River names, celtic, 1.

Rivett, Mr. John, 70.

Robber taking refuge in church, 45.

Robinson, Miss, and Queen's dresses, 157, 158.

 „  Rev. John, 78-80.

Rolleston, Edward, Esq., 186.

 „  family, 186.

Rolston, Edward, 187.

Roman coffins, 7, 8.

 „  coins, 4.

 „  commanders, 3, 5.

 „  milestone, 5.

 „  pipes, 8.

 „  pottery, 6, 7, 134 and note.

 „  roads, 5, 6.

 „  tomb at Thimbleby, 174.

 „  urns, 6.

 „  walls, 6.

 „  wells, 6.

Rose, Rev. W., 82, 83.

Ross, Sir John, 156.

Round House, the (prison), 135.

Roughton, 188.

 „  church described, 188.

 „  plague at, 188.

Rushton, "Aty," 160.

 „  Thomas, fisherman, 160.


Salt, a property, 182.

Sanctuary in church, right of, 45.

Sapcote, Sir Richard, 186.

Savile, 22, 25, 26.

Saxon conquerors, 9.

 „  minstrel pillar, 199.

Schofield, John, marries bishop's daughter, 157.

Science and Art School, 112.

 „   „   „  great efficiency of, 114.

 „   „   „  lectures on special subjects, 115-118.

 „   „   „  origin of, 112

 „   „   „  teachers of, 114, 115.

Scrope family, 20.

Scott, Sir Gilbert, at Horncastle, 134.

Scythes in church, probable history of, 41 and note.

 „   „  engraving of, 49.

Scythe fair, 164.

Sessions House, former, 135.

Sewer, common for drain, 190 and note.

Sharp, Rev. W. Heneage, 154.

Shepherd, Capt. "old salt," 156.

Ship-money, complaint of, temp. Charles I, 14.

Skynner, family of, 169.

Slated house, first in Horncastle, 164.

Smith, Captain, Surgeon, 157.

 „  Dr. J. Bainbridge of Grammar School, 93, 95, 99, 101.

Snowden, Bishop of Carlisle, 30.

 „  Rutland, "delinquent," 54.

 „   „  benefactor to Horncastle, 54.

 „   „  among Lincolnshire gentry, 55.

Socmen, bordars, and villeins, 183 and note.

Somercotes, Sir William, 187.

Southey, Rev. T. C., Curate, 62.

Southwell, Miss Trafford, 202.

Spinning School, 134 and note.

Spranger, Dr. R., 186.

 „  Chancellor, 186.

Spurrier, Rev. H, 189.

 „   „  H. C. M., 189.

Spurs, tenure by, 181, 203

Stanhope family, 31.

 „  J. Banks, Esq., 192.

 „  Memorial, 136, 137.

Swedenborg. Emanuel, 86.


Tailboys, Sir Walter, 181.

Taillebois, family of, 206.

Tanning formerly chief trade of Horncastle, 53.

Tennyson, A., and brother married in Horncastle, 44, 162.

Thatched publichouse, by will, 164.

Theft from St. Mary's Church, 43 and note, 47, 48.

Theleby, 208.

Thief to catch thieves, 161.

Thimbleby, 165-176.

 „  church described, 175, 176.

 „   „  engraving of, 171.

Thornton-le-Fen, 210.

 „   „  Church, 210

 „   „  School, 210.

Thornton family, 210.

Three Maids' Inn, 164.

Thymelby family, 24, 25, 168, 181.

Tibetot, Robert, 12, 19, 20.

Tom Cat Inn, 164.

Toynton, High, 180-184.

 „   „  Church, 181, 182.

 „  Low, 184-188.

 „   „  Church, 184-186.

 „   „   „  engraving of, 185.

Trafford, W. H., Esq., 191, 202.

Train-bands, arms of, 14.

Trinity Church Horncastle, 57-60.

 „   „  engraving of, 59.

Trunyan's, light of, our Lady's light, &c., 44, 45.

Tumby Chase, 202.

Turner and Cato Street Conspiracy, 155, 156.

 „  Sir Edmund, 184.

Tymelby, Ivo de, 207.

Tyrwhitt, Douglas, a lady, 52.

 „  old county family, 29, 208.


Umfraville, Earl of Angus, 168, 181.

Union, the, or workhouse, 133-135.

Union, early laws concerning paupers, 133, 134.


Volunteers, history of, 145-148.

 „  Drill Hall, 148-150.

 „  practiced on Edlington Road, 162.


Walter, Rev. H., B.D., History of England, 64.

Waring, river name, meaning "rough," 2

Watson's Free School, 108-111.

 „   „   „  property of, 110.

 „   „   „  Governors, original, 110 and note.

Well-syke, field and wood name, 190 and note.

Wesley, John, 65-67.

 „  Charles, 65.

Wesleyan, sect of, 64-71.

 „  Chapel, 70.

 „   „  engraving of, 65.

 „  circuits, 66.

 „  centenary, 71.

Whelpton Almshouses, 142-144.

Whichcote, Clinton, of Coningsby, 207.

Wildmore Fen added to Horncastle, 209

Wilksby, 207.

 „  Church, 208,

Williams, Thomas, missionary, 69, 70.

Willoughby, William de, and family, 167.

 „  de Eresby, Lord, 204.

Winchester, Bishop of, held land in Coningsby, 206.

Wood Enderby, 201-203.

 „   „  Church, 201, 202

Workhouse, before Union, 134.

 „  village, 134.


Young Churchmen's Union, 63.


Zouch, Eudo la, bequest to, 197.