Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Oersted, Anders Sandöe

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Edition of 1900.

1313618Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography — Oersted, Anders Sandöe

OERSTED, Anders Sandöe (urr'-sted), Danish naturalist, b. in Rudkjoebing (Langeland), 21 June, 1816; d. in Copenhagen, 3 Sept., 1872. He was brought up in the house of his uncle, Hans Christian Oersted, the famous chemist, became in 1837 professor of natural history in Copenhagen, was given a gold medal and a fellowship in 1844 by the university, and in the following year went to study the geography of Central America, visiting most of the West Indies, Central America, and in particular the Republic of Nicaragua in 1845-'8. Among his works are “Planterigets natur historie” (Copenhagen, 1839); “Groenlandiae annulata dorsibranchiata,” published in vol. x. of the “Annals of the Copenhagen Academy of Sciences”; “L'amérique centrale, recherches sur sa flore et sa géographie physique” (1864); and several papers in magazines in Europe and America.