Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Vance, Joseph

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Edition of 1900. The constitutional convention was in 1850, not 1820. He was first elected to congress in 1820.

VANCE, Joseph, governor of Ohio, b. in Washington county, Pa., 21 March, 1786; d. near Urbana, Ohio, 24. Aug., 1852. When he was a child his father removed to Kentucky, and thence went to Urbana. The son became a successful merchant in that place, and afterward engaged extensively in farming and stock-raising. He was a member of the State constitutional convention of 1820, served in the legislature 1812-'16, and was elected to congress as a Democrat in 1822, and re-elected for five successive terms, serving till March, 1835. He was governor in 1836-'8. In 1842 he was re-elected to congress as a Whig, and served through two terms, during one of them as chairman of the committee on claims. In 1848 he was a delegate to the Whig national convention.