Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Bergmann, Carl

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Edition of 1900.

BERGMANN, Carl, musician, b. in Ebersbach, Saxony, in 1821; d. in New York, 10 Aug., 1876. The rebellion of 1848 obliged him to flee his native land, and he came to New York. In 1850-'2 he was the conductor of the Germania society. He organized and conducted the great German music festival, held in the Winter Garden theatre, in 1855, and in 1856 introduced German opera at Niblo's garden. He afterward became the conductor of German and Italian opera in New York, and was for a time the leader of the Arion (singing) society. Prof. Bergmann excelled as a player of the violoncello and the piano, and composed orchestral pieces. He was conductor of the concerts of the philharmonic society in New York for several years preceding his death.