Chinese Merry Tales (1909)/Easy Removing

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Chapter XI.— Easy Removing.  (求人搬家)

THERE was a man who was very fond of tranquillity. His place of abode was between a blacksmith's shop and a coppersmith's shop. Every day when these two men were working, the noise they made caused him a great deal of annoyance. Then he went up to them and said: "If you have any intention of moving your shops, let me know in advance, so that I may prepare a feast and invite you both." One day both smiths came over and said: "We both wish to move, so we are giving you due notice. Did you not promised to invite us to a feast? We came here purposely to remind you of your obligation." When the man heard these words, he was very happy. Without delay he ordered a feast to be prepared to which to invite the two smiths. After they had feasted, he asked them: "Where do you wish to move?" The two men at once replied: "He wishes to move into my house, and I wish to move into his house."