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Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls comprise roughly 825-870 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible, discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves in and around the Wadi Qumran (near the ruins of the ancient settlement of Khirbet Qumran, on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea). The texts are of great religious and historical significance, as they are practically the only known surviving Biblical documents written before AD 100.

Individual scrolls


Pentateuchal stories and commentaries

  • A Phylactery (Mur 4 Phyl)
  • 4Q159 Various Laws
  • 4Q274 (4QTohorota) Ritual Purity Laws.
  • 4Q396 (MMTc) Some Torah Precepts
  • 4Q403 (ShirShabbd) Songs for the Sabbath Sacrifice
  • 4Q414 A Baptismal Liturgy

Former prophets stories and commentaries

  • 4Q448 Prayer For King Jonathan

Psalms, hymns, poetry

  • Apocryphal Psalms (4QPsf=4Q88, 4QapPs=4Q448, 11QPsa-b=11Q5-6).
  • Plea for Deliverance (11QPsa=11Q5 col.xix)
  • Thanksgiving Hymns #7 & 8 (1QH(odayot)a col.10).

Wisdom literature


Prophecy and apocalyptic

  • The Book of Secrets (lQMyst=1Q27, 4QMysta-c=4Q299-301)
  • The Chosen One (4Qelect=4Q534, 4QarNC=4Q535-6).
  • Words of Michael (4Qmich=4Q529, 6Qunidar=6Q23).
  • 4Q166 (4QpHosa) Hosea Commentary
  • 11Q13 The Coming of Melchizedek
  • 4Q521 Redemption and Resurrection



Sectarian literature

  • Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376)
  • 4Q285 (SM) War Rule (frg.5)
  • 4Q271 (Df) The Damascus Document
  • 4Q258 Community Rule (excerpt)


  • The New Jerusalem [first part] (1QJNar=1Q32, 2QExc=2Q4, 4QJMa=4Q554-5, 5QJNar=5Q15, 11QJN=11Q18)
  • Observances (4QCal=4Q327 (Mishmarot), 4QMMTa4Q394)
  • Physiognomic Horoscopes (4QCryptic-4Q186, 4QPhysiogn=4Q561)
  • Targum of Job (4QtgJob=4Q157, 11QtgJob=11Q10)
  • 3Q15 (3QTreasurea) The Copper Scroll
  • 4Q321 (Mishmarot Ba) Calendrical Document