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Index:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu

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Title A Danish and Dano-Norwegian Grammar
Author Peter Olsen Groth
Year 1894
Publisher D.C. Heath & Co.
Location Boston
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Advertising not transcluded


Page. Page.
Introduction 1–2
The Alphabet 3
Danish Sounds 4–29
Vowels 4
Diphthongs 11
Consonants 11
Colloquial forms 21
Accent 21
Sentence accent 25
Glottal Stop 26
Quantity 28
Norwegian Sounds 30–65
Vowels 30
Diphthongs 35
Consonants 36
Accent 52
Abbreviations 58
Quantity 63
Vowel Changes in inflection and word formation 66
Etymology 67–131
Articles—genders 67
Nouns 70–83
Gender of the nouns 70
Formation of the possessive 76
Syntactical remarks about the use of the possessive 77
Formation of the plural 78
The Adjectives 83–91
Declension of the adjectives 83
Use of the definite form of the adjectives 86
Agreement of the adjective with its noun 87
Comparison of adjectives 87
Inflection and use of the comparative and superlative 90
The Pronouns 91–99
The personal pronouns 91
The reflexive and reciprocal pronouns 92
The possessive pronouns 93
The demonstrative pronouns 94
The interrogative pronouns 95
The relative pronouns 96
The indefinite pronouns 98
The Numerals 99–102
The Verbs 102–121
Weak verbs 104
Strong verbs 107
Irregular verbs 113
The use of the numbers 114
The use of the tenses 114
The use of the modes 116
The passive voice 119
Reflexive and impersonal verbs 121
The Adverbs 122–124
The Prepositions 124–126
The Conjunctions 126–128
The Interjections 128–129
The order of the words in the sentence 129–130
The Punctuation 131
Exercises 132–143