Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 1.djvu/727

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at Eisenstadt, but declined on the score of weakness; and indeed he was failing rapidly. His works composed after the 'Seasons' are very few, the chief being some vocal quartets, on which he set a high value. In these his devotional feeling comes out strongly, in 'Herr der du mir das Leben,' 'Du bist's dem Ruhm und Ehre gebühret,' and 'Der Greis'—'Hin ist alle meine Kraft.' In 1802 and 3 he harmonised and wrote accompaniments for a number of Scotch songs, for which he received 500 florins from Whyte of Edinburgh. This pleased him so much that he is said to have expressed his pride in the work as one which would long preserve his memory in Scotland. He also arranged Welsh airs (Preston; 41 Nos. in 3 vols.) and Irish airs, but the latter he did not complete, and they were undertaken by Beethoven. One of his last string-quartets (Trautwein 83) has two movements complete, the 'Andante' and the 'Minuet'; in despair of finishing it, in 1806, he added the first few bars of 'Der Greis' as a conclusion.[1] He had these same bars printed as a card in answer to friends who enquired after him.[2]

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \tempo \markup { \italic "Molto Adagio" } \clef soprano \override = #'(5) \relative e'' { \key a \major \autoBeamOff e4 r8 cis8 d b a gis | a4 r r2 | \break d4 r8 b cis4 r8 a | b4 r r2 \bar "||" } \addlyrics { Hin ist al -- le mei -- ne Kraft alt und schwach bin ich. } }
\layout { indent = #0 line-width= #70 }

Joseph Haydn.

Haydn's last years were passed in a continual struggle with the infirmities of age, relieved by occasional gleams of sunshine. When in a happy mood he would unlock his cabinet, and exhibit to his intimate friends the souvenirs, diplomas, and valuables of all kinds which it contained. This often led him to speak of the events of his life, and in this way Griesinger, Dies, Bertuch, Carpani, and Neukomm, became acquainted with many details. Haydn also received other visitors who cannot have failed to give him pleasure; such were Cherubini, the Abbé Vogler, the Weber family, Baillot, Mme. Bigot the pianist, Pleyel, Bierey, Gänsbacher, Hummel, Nisle, Tomaschek, Reichardt, Iffland; his faithful friends Mmes. Aurnhammer, Kurzbeck, and Spielmann, the Princess Esterhazy with her son Paul—who all came to render homage to the old man. Mozart's widow did not forget her husband's best friend, and her son Wolfgang, then 14, begged his blessing at his first public concert, in the Theatre an-der-Wien, on April 8, 1805, for which he had composed a cantata, in honour of Haydn's 73rd birthday.

After a long seclusion Haydn appeared in public for the last time at a remarkable performance of the 'Creation' at the University on March 27, 1808. He was carried in his arm-chair to a place among the first ladies of the land, and received with the warmest demonstrations of welcome. Salieri conducted. At the words 'And there was light,' Haydn was quite overcome, and pointing upwards exclaimed, 'It came from thence.' As the performance went on his agitation became extreme, and it was thought better to take him home after the first part. As he was carried out people of the highest rank thronged to take leave of him, and Beethoven fervently kissed his hand and forehead. At the door he paused, and turning round lifted up his hands as if in the act of blessing.

In 1797 Prince Nicolaua had augmented his salary by 300 florins, and in 1806 added another 600—making his whole emolument 2,300 florins (£200)—besides paying his doctor's bill. This increase in income was a great satisfaction to Haydn, as he had long earnestly desired to help his many poor relations during his life, and to leave them something after his death.

To one who loved his country so deeply, it was a sore trial to see Vienna twice occupied by the enemy—in 1805 and 1809. The second time the city was bombarded, and the first shot fell not far from his residence. In his infirm condition this alarmed him greatly, but he called out to his

  1. Dedicated to Count Maurice de Fries. Haydn gave it to Griesinger saying. 'It is my last child, and not unlike me.'
  2. 'Fled for ever is my strength;
    Old and weak am I!'

    Abbé Stadler made a canon out of these lines by adding two more—

    'Doch was Sie erschaf bleibt stets,
    Ewig ist dein Ruhm.'
    'But what thou hast achieved stands fast;
    Lasting is thy fame.'