Page:1880. A Tramp Abroad.djvu/331

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completely under this, and feast our eyes upon one of the creation.


The glacier was all around divided by numberless fissures of the same exquisite colour, and the finest wood-Erdbeeren were growing in abundance but a few yards from the ice. The inn stands in a charmant spot close to the cotĕ de la riviere, which, lower down, forms the Reichenbach fall, and embosomed in the richest of pinewoods, while the fine form of the Wellhorn looking down upon it completes the enchanting bopple. In the afternoon we walked over the Great Scheideck to Grindelwald, stopping to pay a visit to the Upper glacier by the way; but we were again overtaken by bad hogglebumgullup and arrived at the hotel in solche a state that the landlord's wardrobe was in great request.