Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/96

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\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative e'' { \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(b)" \autoBeamOff
    r4 e c c8 e | a,4 a8 gis^\markup \caps "Carissimi" b4 b \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { cur e -- go te Pa -- ter de -- ce -- pi? }
  \new Staff { \clef bass a1 f2 e }
  \figures { < _ >1 < 6 >2 < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative e'' { \time 2/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff 
    r8 e16 fis g8 a16 e | fis fis fis8 s4 \bar "||" s32^\markup \caps "J.S. Bach (1734)."_\markup \small { (\italic"Sung") } g16. fis32 fis8 }
  \addlyrics { they re -- joic -- ed ex -- ceed -- ing -- ly ceed -- ing -- ly. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass cis2 d1*1/2 s4 }
  \figures { < 6 >2 < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(c)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 d8 a b b cis d | d4 a r2 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { which shall be to all the peop -- ple. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass d2 gis s4 a d2 }
  \figures { < _+ >2 < 6 > < _ >4 < _+ > < _+ >2 } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative e'' { \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 r8 ees16 ees ees4 f8 c | d8 d s4*3/1 \bar "||" s4^\markup \tiny "(b)" a8 a d4 d8^\markup \caps "Handel (1713)." cis | e8 e r4 r2 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { il ne -- mi -- co tra -- scor -- re A mi dum -- que A -- gil -- les? }
  \new Staff { \clef bass a,1 bes,1*1/2 s4 s2 a,4 b,2 a, r }
  \figures { < 6 5- >1 < _ >1*1/2 < _ >2. < _+ >4 < 6 >2 < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative e'' { \time 3/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff
    e8 e b4 r8 b | cis cis r4*2/1 \bar "||" s32^\markup \caps "Haydn (1798)."_\markup \small { (\italic"Sung") } d8 cis }
  \addlyrics { prais -- ing God, and say -- ing:— say -- ing. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass gis2. a4 r4*2/1 | s }
  \figures { < 6 >2. < _+ >4 } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative g' { \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(c)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 r8 g cis8. cis16 cis4 | d8 a r4 r2 | r \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { He made the stars al -- so. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass g2 g r r4 a d r }
  \figures { < _ >2 < 4 2 > < _ >2. < 7 _+>4 < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 4/4 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff 
    r8 c d a | b b s8*6/1 \bar "||" r8^\markup \tiny "(c)" cis cis d^\markup \caps "Mozart (1786)." d a r4 | R1 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { che carta è quel -- la? Se il conte vi -- ene }
  \new Staff { \clef bass fis2 g1 g2 r4 a d1 }
  \figures { < _ >8 < 6 5 >4. < _ > < _ >8 < 4 2 >2 < _ >8 < 7 _+ >4 < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 3/4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff
    d4 e8. b16 cis8 r \bar "||" s8*3/1 gis8^\markup \tiny "(c)" fis e | ais8.^\markup \caps "Beethoven (1805)." b16 fis4 r \bar "||" r4 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { Ich mur -- re nicht! be -- sänf -- tigt wallt mein Blut. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass gis,4 r r8 a, | s8*3/1 r8 r4 | r4 fis2 | fis8 b, }
  \figures { < 6 5 >4 < _ >4. < _+ >8 | < _ >8*3/1 < _ >4. < _ >4 < 8 >8  \bassFigureExtendersOn < 7 5+ _+>4. < 7 5+ _+ >8 < _+\! > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative b { \time 4/4 \clef bass \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 r8 bes ees ees ees bes | c c s8*6/1 \bar "||" s^\markup \tiny "(c)" r16 b cis d^\markup \caps "Rossini (1810)" | d8 f r4 r2 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { ve -- di -- am co -- sa scri -- ve. S'apre il bal -- co -- ne. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass ees1 c s8*6/1 g4 | r a d2 }
  \figures { < 5- >1 | < 6- _- > | < _ > < _ >4 < 7 _+ > < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative g { \time 4/4 \clef bass \mark \markup \tiny "(b)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 g g4. fis8 | a2 r \bar "||" r8^\markup \tiny "(c)" r16 e e e fis g^\markup \caps "Spohr (1813)." g8 d r4 | R1 }
  \addlyrics { war das mein Ziel? was Ho -- hes du er -- son -- nen! }
  \new Staff { \clef bass ees1 d2 r c4 r r d g,1 }
  \figures { < 6 >1 < _+ > < _ >2. < _+ >4 } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative d { \time 4/4 \clef bass \mark \markup \tiny "(b)" \autoBeamOff 
    r4 r8 d gis8. d16^\markup \caps "Mendelssohn (1836)" d8. cis16 | e2 r \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { in Tem -- ples made with hands. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass bes,1 a,2 r }
  \figures { < 6 >2 < 5 > < _+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative f' { \time 4/4 \partial 4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff
    fis8 fis b8. b16 ais8 b fis4 r\fermata \bar "||" s }
  \addlyrics { and did nei -- ther eat, nor drink. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass e4 eis2 r4 f\fermata b, }
  \figures { < 4+ 2+ >4 < 7 _+ >2. < _+ 7 >4 < 5+ > } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 4/4 \partial 4 \mark \markup \tiny "(a)" \autoBeamOff
    c4 | f8. f16 e8 d g4.^\markup \caps "Wagner (1847)" d8 | e4 r \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { mög' Gott bei dei -- nem Schwer -- te stehn! }
  \new Staff { \clef bass f4 | d'2 g c }
  \figures { < _ >2. < 7 >2 } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative d { \time 4/4 \clef bass \partial 8 \mark \markup \tiny "(b)" \autoBeamOff 
    d8 | g4. g8 g4. fis8 | a4 r \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { so oft aus Os -- ten traf? }
  \new Staff { \clef bass r8 g,4 ees2. d2 }
  \figures { < _ >8 < _- >4 < 6 >2. < _+ >2 } >>

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative a'' { \time 4/4 \partial 8 \mark \markup \tiny "(c)" \autoBeamOff 
    a8 | a4. a8 g4 a | e2 r | r1\fermata \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics { er -- schei -- ne heir zur Stell'. }
  \new Staff { \clef bass r8 R1 R1 g,4 r r2 } >>

The universal acceptance of these, and similar figures, by Composers of all ages, from Peri down to Wagner, sufficiently proves their fitness for the purpose for which they were originally designed. But, the staunch conservatism of Recitativo secco goes even farther than this. Its Accompaniment has never changed. The latest Composers who have employed it have trusted for its support, to the simple Basso continuo, which neither Peri, nor Carissimi, nor Handel, nor Mozart, care to reinforce by the introduction