Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/736

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T113“; n.[m.] covering. hiding-place, «mom—abs. ’D Ju3"+, '“JP ZSI2"Pr 25“, mg, ‘4' I39“; cstr. ‘Dé x S 25’°+; at. W]? w :8" (ins. also 1| 2 s 2;" (ms Th Bu HPS), ‘15“? \P “9'”; Pl- DWI“? Pr 9";—1- WW. cm, 'l-jl',‘ 'D? I S 25“ under cover oftlus mt, tomenled by i ; of clouds as coming for " (shutting out his view) Jb u", of darkness (Lelde clouds)as '"s hiding-place (in theoph.) w :8" (:28 22“ v. supr.), so my; ’D 81“ hidi'ngflace of thunder; of sdulterer 0‘9? '5 D‘ip: Jb 24" i.e. disguiseth himself. 2. n. hidingrylacz, x s .9! Is gs" mam: ’9 Ct z“ (in fig; “1:59: 13),“ hippopot. Jb 40"; fig. of Isr. as shelter to Moub c. ‘1?!) Is r6“, of ideal Israelite, as D11 ’ D 32’, esp. of " as shelter: ' ’D 31“, Dél‘, ._ 'D

orwomw 139"(III’.;, ’D‘D‘g Jn 3‘9 a mum afsemcy, secret matter ; pl. abstr. intens. DWI}? Dd? Pr 9" bread of utter secrecy (Le. gained stealthily, D31)? D19);

 25” umgm of secrecy, i.e. slanderous ;

elsewhere '53 in gammy, secretly Dt I37 17"“ 28:1 2 s "I: JE 3711 33m 40» Is 45x: 48“: Jb 13m 31“ Pr 2!“ 4o 101‘.



1mg; u. shelter, protection, nah; 's Dt 32* (rd. peril. 1w, cf. Dr) M them (the strange gods) be over you w a shelter.

ham; run-an. a spy, from Asher ;— Nu :3“, ($1 inflow), (le Buvoup.

Tripp a stite;—Ex an, e 2.7,... A map“, @L 2",...

hin n.[m.] place of shaltar; abs. D331; 155579 In 4" (fig. of "'s protection; cf. "‘99 18 32')

lumpy; n.[m.] secret plane, hiding- placs ,—nbs. ’n w 10' Hb 3"; man. p]. DWI??? Je [3‘71-6 t.; sf. WW??? Je 49‘°;—1. were! pWa), concealed from View, Je 13"; where treasures are stored Is 45‘. 2. hidingr place(s): a. for protection J e 23" 49‘“. b. for perpetration of crime, esp. murder: \lo 10‘ (lll'lhp), sim.of lion v9 [7", cf. Hb 3"; $64“; of '~ lying in wait La 3'" (as a lion).

hng n.[m.] hiding, act of hiding;— cm, mgr; use was»)? Is 53! and like H mm qffmfram him i.e. like one before whom the {we is hidden (eg. a leper, cf. Che”).


y, ‘Ag/in, sixteenth letter; used as numeral 70 in postB. Heb.

331/ (~/ of (011., cf. K5 "- '- “,- meaning unknown).

1'1. 3?. [31‘] mm. archit. term, meaning unknown; projecting roof is ounjentured (Sm Co Barthel); others landing (De) ; AV RV [hick beam or plank, RVm threshold ; Benz Kit Toy leave untranslated; in any case a structure of wood ;~uhs. 3],“: 0‘13?! 1 K 7“; appsr. cstr. rang); n'51xn ‘g my :31: E2 41“; pl. (si Vera 1.) aura v“.

r. 31”.

n. 2;;


_ m vb. work, nerve (OAmn. way do, make, esp. NabJ'alm. (ML), Lzb""' Cook", so

35 792. Syr. (very off"); but also OAmrn. Ph.'1:v slaw, meal (and in many, 3:

may, Syr. 1;»: id..- Asubdu, Mum); NH 13.11] serve, perform ads qfumrlln'p (e. ace. oogn.), and deriv.; Ar. 5;; worship, obey (God); cf. “'e Gnu-null“; Huh. “I, n. en‘qu ; 1:2 slaw, wmahipper ,- Sub. 13;: id. DHM WNW“; Gel-berw-WM thinks be .zam, perusal-11) and enclave (Hiph.) are denom., cf. also Nam "“"'"“‘):—Qalm 17- 3 m ’V Ez 29'“+; af- iw. Mal 3H; 3 mp1. "91.2 Dar; nay Nu 4*. +64 t. Pt,- Impf. 3 ma. Tag; Gn 255+; sf.

( #22" 2 K to"; 3 mp1.

5"?9. Dt r 2’“+; T' A_ Gn I5“ (Di-““) Jb36“; 2 mplfi'QQEI Ex3", Joe 24“, + 99L Impf.; , Djfllg v. 301111.); Imu. ‘DZ 1 S 26"; 719 1 Ch 78’; “33! Ex 5'“+x5 L; “Elli sf. may 1 S7“; Inf 0:17.13); Mn 3“+; '19:; Je 34 "; st". “99 J2 279+, em; Pt. "Ell Gn 4’+; pl. W133! Nu 18"+; cstr. ‘Tg‘l? $977+; sf.le 2 K to"; nip??? 2:: z”;