Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/187

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energy, power, &c., were confounded with each other, though some of the schoolmen endeavoured to introduce a greater precision into their language.

The cultivation and popularization of correct dynamical ideas since the time of Galileo and Newton has effected an immense change in the language and ideas of common life, but it is only within recent times, and in consequence of the increasing importance of machinery, that the ideas of force, energy, and power have become accurately distinguished from each other. Very few, however, even of scientific men, are careful to observe these distinctions ; hence we often hear of the force of a cannon-ball when either its energy or its momentum is meant, and of the force of an electrified body when the quantity of its electrification is meant.

Now the quantity of electricity in a body is measured, according to Faraday’s ideas, by the number of lines of force, or rather of induction, which proceed from it. These lines of force must all terminate somewhere, either on bodies in the neighbourhood, or on the walls and roof of the room, or on the earth, or on the heavenly bodies, and wherever they terminate there is a quantity of electricity exactly equal and opposite to that on the part of the body from which they proceeded. By examining the diagrams this will be seen to be the case. There is therefore no contradiction between Faraday’s views and the mathematical results of the old theory, but, on the contrary, the idea of lines of force throws great light on these results, and seems to afford the means of rising by a continuous process from the somewhat rigid conceptions of the old theory to notions which may be capable of greater expansion, so as to provide room for the increase of our knowledge by further researches.

123.] These diagrams are constructed in the following manner :—

First, take the case of a single centre of force, a small electrified body with a charge . The potential at a distance is ; hence, if we make , we shall find , the radius of the sphere for which the potential is . If we now give to the values 1, 2, 3, &c., and draw the corresponding spheres, we shall obtain a series of equipotential surfaces, the potentials corresponding to which are measured by the natural numbers. The sections of these spheres by a plane passing through their common centre will be circles, which we may mark with the number denoting the potential