Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/34

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Chapter X.

Conduction in Dielectrics.


325. In a strictly homogeneous medium there can be no internal charge

326. Theory of a condenser in which the dielectric is not a perfect insulator

327. No residual charge due to simple conduction

328. Theory of a composite accumulator

329. Residual charge and electrical absorption

330. Total discharge

331. Comparison with the conduction of heat

332. Theory of telegraph cables and comparison of the equations with those of the conduction of heat

333. Opinion of Ohm on this subject

334. Mechanical illustration of the properties of a dielectric

Chapter XI.

Measurement of the Electric Resistance of Conductors.

335. Advantage of using material standards of resistance in electrical measurements

336. Different standards which have been used and different systems which have been proposed

337. The electromagnetic system of units

338. Weber's unit, and the British Association unit or Ohm

339. Professed value of the Ohm  metres per second

340. Reproduction of standards

341. Forms of resistance coils

342. Coils of great resistance

343. Arrangement of coils in series

344. Arrangement in multiple arc

345. On the comparison of resistances. (1) Ohm's method

346. (2) By the differential galvanometer

347. (3) By Wheatstone's Bridge

348. Estimation of limits of error in the determination

349. Best arrangement of the conductors to be compared

350. On the use of Wheatstone's Bridge

351. Thomson's method for small resistances

352. Matthiessen and Hockin's method for small resistances