Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/677

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of the humerus was in part covered by cartilage ; but one half of it or more was denuded, and to a considerable ex- tent it was pretty deeply carious. The deltoid was quite well marked, and there were the remains of some other neighboring muscles ; but the head of the bone lay loosely in a broad, shallow cavity, lined by a soft, red, cellular tissue, and in which no traces of the original joint were to be seen. The humerus, having been removed, showed the two ' ; knots" above referred to (No. 3018). One of them is about as large as the top of the little finger, acumi- nated in form, and shown, on section, to be simply an out- growth of perfectly healthy cancellated structure ; the thin shell of bone that surrounds it, and the parts external to it, being also perfectly healthy. The other is considerably larger, situated rather lower down, and about the middle of the bone, but in other respects similar to the one de- scribed, except that, instead of standing directly out from the' bone, it was bent down upon it; and, on section, the cancelli seemed to be filled with an opaque, yellowish- white cerate-looking substance ; it contained, however, nothing like an enchondromatous structure. The rest of this bone was healthy ; the reddish color of the cancellated portion contrasting strongly with the interior of the " knot " last described. The existence of a pure exostosis, apart and by itself, in a case of enchondroma, is certainly an interesting pathological fact in relation to the nature of this last disease.

The right subclavian artery was considerably larger than the left ; and, with the nerves, ran along the surface of the tumor, but without being imbedded in it.

The separation of the mass, at the time of its removal from the body, was readily effected, and the parietes of the chest were left in a perfectly healthy condition ; a very important fact in reference to an operation, if one had been attempted during life.

The internal organs of the thorax and abdomen were also healthy externally ; excepting a slight enlargement of the vertebral extremity of one of the middle ribs upon the right side, and which ought to have been, but was not, examined.

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