Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/999

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New year'a gifts, books sent as sog,

3SS,398 Ntw York Omette fl4» NiehoUon** journal 795 Ifight ThttughU, by Dr. Toang John

son's opinion of <I68 Night Watker; or, Bummg Hambier

679 Vorfotk Ckronielt 791, 881, 9«7 Nonnans, origin of the S3 Northampton Mercvrg 6S4 — Mitcel-

lamftM North BrStM Admrtlur 8S7 North Briton 709 North Derbyshire Chronicle 54fl Northern Exprtu, and LaneaMre

Dailjf Poet 884 Northern Toiler (Bdlnbnrgh) sgs North Oeargia Oaxetle 871 Northumhertand Advertieer (Shields)

947 Northombeiland house book lis Norwich Courani Sll—0azette—tt6,

709 — Journal 019 — Mercury 8sg —

Poetman in— Weekly Mercury Oifi Nottingham Cowrant 6ta — Chronicle

739— BeraUW— Journal Til, 930—

Mercury WfJ—Pott 6\\—Remew 834

—Wreath f/tJ—Dearien'e Mieeella-

Noutellet de la RepuiHque det Lettret,

S6s Novum Tutamenhun Ormcum 485 Numeral figures first used in Europefil

Oath of allegiance, severttr of 451

Obeervationa upon the most remarkable oecurreneet in our weekly news 577- on the weekly bills 5fi9

OAtn«a/or5Il,5ia,5Sfi,6l7— iie/orm«<i SM, 590— Oiwned 501— <it question and answer 5fil — reviewed 593

Oecaeional Paper filS, US— Writer S83

Occurrences from foreign parts 517— from Ireland 408 — in parliament 498

(Edipus; or. Postman remounted 643

Old England! or, Conttitutional Jour- nalltg

Old Maid tgS

Old Mother Hooker's Journal S48

Old News newly revived 4Q7

Old Whig 621— or, Consistent Protes- tant &3

Olla Podrida JtO

Omar, caliph, curious answer of 41

Onion, a monk, hanged 173

Oracle 01 1, 838

Orange Intelligence iTl—Oazette 571

Oratoilo, origin of 37S

Order of Jesos, or "Jesuits,'* origin of Slfi — extract firom Oldham's satire on 180 — suppressed 736

Oriental Herald 888

Original, (by Mr. Walker) 943

Orphan 615

Orthodox Churchman's Magaxine 793

Oxford Oazetteiti—Heraltlgxti— Jour- nal W5, in6— Magazine 7 ig— Spy 500

Oxfbrd unirersity founded 47 — pur- chase types In France, Holland, and Oermaoy 647— type foundery estab- lished at 553 — Oxford book 139— vested with the copyright In books glreo by the authors 734— visit of the allied sovereigns to 8S9— new printing-offlce for the use of the uni- versity (11- number of bibles and testaments pilnted at 861— prinUng. office at, d^troyed by fire 500— de- fended in tight of new works 336 — number of books at, in 1603 44s — Amndelian marbles preserved at 16 — Arabic lecture founded at 488— Bodldaa library founded 454

Packet of Letters from Scotland tog- firom sir Thomas Fairfax 504

Paekets of advice from Ireland 574

ncklngton, lady, returns two mem. hen to parliament 351

Paequets of advice from f ranee 574

Page of a book, origin of 64

Painter, anecdote of one sio

Paisley Advertiser 941 Potfoiijuin 898

Palm, James PhlUp,bnokseller,shot834

Palmyra leaf used to engrave on 11

Pamber, curious manner of holding a court leet at 10

Pamphlet, origin of 189

Paper (a) for enabling the species 695

Papeb history of the invention 4»— first made from cotton 55— first made fh>m linen 61 — curious remarks upon, by Fuller 630— traders of 684 — made from linen introduced into England 68 — substitutes for rags in the manu&ctnre of 9)5

Paper marks, origin and description of 171

Paper mill, first in England 171— lines on 301 — notice of an early one Ml — first in the state of Massachusetts, North America 643

Papers from the Scots quarters 504

Papyrus, account of S3, 34, 37

Paradise Lost published 344— Waller's sneer at 844

Paradyse of Daynty Devises 863

Parchment or vellum, where made 34 —the dUTerent kinds used fbr writ- ing upon 54

Parian chronicle 16

Par<< Oaxette 47s

Paris nniversity claimed the right of regnlaUng th« price of books 133— the printers at, authorized to wear swords 347

Parish clerks of London, players of interludes 79

Parker's Halfpenng Post 033

Parliament, debates of, first published 734

Parliament Kite mi— Porter tW—Spy 7%\— Vulture 508

Parliamentary Intelligencer 538, 689 — Register 731 731

Parltamenes Post Mi— Scouts ZKs- covery SOO — Screech Out 509

Parochial registers introduced 369

Parrot 640

Parry, William, M.P. executed

Parsons, Robert, the first disseminator of political liberty 453

Particular Relation 501

Pas, Csmily of engravers 469

Pasquin 699

Psaquinades, origin of 388

Passages concerning the king's army 509

Pasteboard, origin of 304

Patents and monopolies 838, 840, 851, 867, 870, 877— observations on 437

Paternoster-row, origin of the name 83— first noted for booksellers 838

Patrician eai

Patriot 609, 616

Patrons, ill treatment of l64

Peacock, bishop imprisoned lis

Peeper, (by Dr- Wilkins) 79S

Peg tankard, origin of 53

Pembroke college, Oxford, founded 476

Penal mandate, forbidding thetnns- lation into the vulgar tongue of Greek, Latin, and other books with- out approbation 184, 185

Pennsylvania Qaxette 639

Penny UagazlneaiO—Post 6lt—Post; or. Tradesman's Select J'acquet 6IS Weekly Journal ia*

Penry, John, executed 404

Pens alluded to 34, 36, 37

Pentateuch, singularly expressed ac- count of its editor, printer, &c. 194— printed by Day and Seres igo— trans- ited by TindaU 163

People's Journal 937

Perfect Diurnal *t»— Diurnal of the Passages in Parliament tSB— Occur, rences »04— Passages 501, 504 — Rela- tion *9a

Periodical Eset^s, by archd. Nares 747

Poiodical press, advantages of 735, 716

Periodicals, number In the world 940—

number in I8S7 953- first in Den mark 5«e

Peripatetic, meaning of 4fl8

Perry, Sampson, singular prescrvatloa of 877

Perth Courier 834

Perth, extract from the weekly assem- bly at 363

Peruvians, their mode of commnnlcat- Ing knowledge 9

Peter, the wild boy, acoonnt of S4

Peters, Hugh, executed ssg

Peters (Mr.) report tfthet

Phanatique InielUgenee 6*9

Pharos 760

PhUanthrope 796

PhillatiDS, fiither of bookbinding 36

Philip II. deKription of his person sao

PhilompUeal MagaxineytJ, 799— Ob- servation 577 — Transactions Hi

Phanix 870—0/ Europe 503

Pilgrim 8l3

Pf^ia't Progress published 671

Pillory, ode to the, by Defoe 590

Pinkey, battle of 315

Plain Dealer 635— (by WagsteT) 609

Plain Dealing 563— IVaM 667

Plain Scottish S74

Players, first regular oompuiy of ia England 354— patent granted to by queen Elizabeth 364 — iday-UU, first

f printed 641— prohibited Ihim aedny n either university 419 — sui^aesaed 607

Playhouse, church, or ■«» aetoro' of Devotion, elTect of its publication TM

Playing cards, history (rf 78 — decree of the government of Venice ooncem- ing 114 — act against the importation in England 136 — knave of bells an early playing caid 78

Plays, origin of acts of 355— the first puUished with engravings 548— not to be read without leave 431 — mode of advertising the performance of 681 — not to be performed on Sundays 435— works agtdnt 351

Pleasures of Hope 664


Poetical Courant ifa— Magaxine 747 — Observator 568

Poetical Miscellany, the first published in England S63

Poet lanreats, origin of 70, 308 — mari- ner of creation 109 — ai>olory for 7*4

Poetry, first publication on the snhiect of 386 — Spencer's opinion of 4 U

PoePs last advice, from Chancer 81

Poets, impromptu on 679 — poefa pen, poem of 119

Poets, custom of, concerning 70

Poictiers, battle of 541 , 581

Police Oazette, expense of printing 010

Political Mercury 638 — and Hisioricat Mercury 704 — Herald and Review 754 —RegUter Til— Stale of Europe S09 -Taller 6l4

Politique Informer 511

Polyglott bibles, sucdnct accotmt of 434- published at Heidelberg 387— printed at Hamburgh 414— meaninjt of the word ill — Complutendan 333 Paris SOS— London 5M — Bagsteifa 88g — Spanish, printed at Antwdtf 351— Pentateuch 635 — psalter first printed 330, 131

Folytype printing 749

Pompeii destroyed 33

Poor laws traced to Richard II. 737

Poor Richard's Almanack 346

Poor Robin's Intelligence 563 — revioed it*— Public and Private Occurrence* 656,691

Pope Nicholas V.'s grant to the clergy of London 119

Pope's bulls, description of 139— in&l- UbiUtyof380

Popish Pau Book Onlmd 56S

Popish mass iitpluyea 6ln

Porcelain paper introduced 91l>

Porter, Lacy, hw questioa to Dr J6li»- son 753