Page:A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language.djvu/103

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A vigorous defence of the Bohemian language and people issued in the year 1615 from the general diet itself, which pronounced in the presence of the Emperor Matthias this memorable resolution: ' As the Estates have brought to recollection how their esteemed ancestors judged that with the destruction of the Bohemian language both the Bohemian people and the name of the Bohemians must perish, they have laid it down as a law that in the courts in this country no other language besides the Bohemian shall be spoken.'

vigorous, razny,

defence, obrana, s.f.

to issue, vyjiti; past tense vylel. See remarks on this irregular form previously given.

year, rok.

general, generální.

diet, snem, s.m. (lit. taking toge- ther, assembly): the n is inorganic and is frequently added in Slavonic ; s, prep., and root jiti, to take, see under 4th division of the 1st conjugation. For an- other instance of a parasitic n cf. snídané, breakfast; s, prep., idane, connected with jedeni, jidlo ; so also jídelna, the salle a manger at an hotel.

self, sam.

to utter, declare, smluvili.

presence, přítomnost, f. (for a similarly formed word cf. potomstvo, n., posterity).

the Emperor, císař.

memorable, památný.

resolution, usnesení, n., verbal substantive.

the Estate, slav, s.m.

to themselves, sobí, a some- what redundant use of the reflexive which is found in all the Slavonic languages ; thus cf. the expression, národ sobí, the very people.

recollection, pamit, s.f.

to bring, přivěsit'. See irreg. verbs.

how, kterak.

esteemed, vzácný.

ancestors, předkové'.

to judge, soudili.