Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/629

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��564 AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST [n. s., i, 1899

complete, and scholarly manner which we have reason to expect from the accomplished hand of Dr ten Kate. We have not space to quote all his interesting and instructive conclusions ; but will refer especially to a matter which is of high interest to North American scholars, and this consists in the numerous and striking resemblances which he has found between the ancient race of Calchaqui and certain peoples of our own Southwest — of New Mexico and Arizona — the Saladoans and Cibolans. Dr ten Kate was connected, as anthropologist, with the Hemenway Expedition while it was excavating in Satado valley and near Zufii ; he has written a work on Somatological Observations on the Indians of the Southwest, and is thus especially qualified to speak of the resemblances between these races, so far separated geographically. He treats of such similarities in various parts of his essay, as in discussing modes of in- terment, deformities of skulls (he describes six varieties of deformation), small cranial capacity, diseases of bones, measurements of scapulae and pelves, the olecranon perforation, the tibio-femoral index, the low stature, the relatively frail osseous structure, etc., of the ancient Cal- chaqui. The following is quoted from his conclusions ■:

" Quant aux Saladoans et Cibolans, representants de cette ancienne civilisation dite Shiwi, que j'ai tant de fois rapprochls des Calchaquis, il ne me reste qu'a rappeler leur brae h yelp ha lie excessive, leur petite taille, leurs os hyoides aux elements libres, les analogies mythico- religieuses et mythico-sociologiques enfin qui ont du exister chez ces deux civilisations indigenes d'Amerique a leurs liraites extremes et que j'ai deja returnees autre part il y a quelques annees." [As for the Cibolans and Saladoans, representatives of that ancient civilization called Shiwi, whom 1 have often connected with the Calchaquis, I need only recall their excessive brachycephaly, their low stature, their hyoid bones with free elements, the inythico-religious and the mytbico-socio- logic analogies which must have existed among these two indigenous civilizations at their extreme limits and which I have already described elsewhere some years ago.]

Although the title-page is partly in French and partly in Spanish, the text is wholly in French. The work appears as a large folio, beau- tifully printed on heavy paper, and abundantly illustrated in a most artistic manner. It does credit to the Museum of La Plata and to its worthy director, Sr Moreno. Washington Matthews.

Critica de la Langue Auca del SeAor Raoul de la Grasserie. Por

Rodolfo Lenz. (Publicada en los " Anales de la Universidad "

de Agosto.) Santiago de Chile : 189S. 8", 21 pp. Krittk der Langue Auca des Herrn Dr, Jur. Raoul de la Grasserie

(Membre de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris). Eine Warnung

fur Amerikanisten. Von Dr. Rudolf Lenz. (Separatabzug aus-

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