Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/642

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��origine de Tart. Paris, 1899, lib. Hey- mann, xv, 304 p. 8°.

Spencer (B.) and Gillen (F. J.) The native tribes of Central Australia. London and New York, 1899, Macmil- lan Co., xx, 071 p. 8".

Spiegelberg (W.) Zwei Beitrage zur Geschichte und Topographie der the- banischen Necropolis in neuen Reich. I. Der Grabtempel Amenophis' I zu Drah-Abu'1-Negga. II. I'lan einer Gesamtarbeit liber die Verwaltung der thebanischen Necropolis im neuen Keicli. Strassburg, 1899, iii, i6 autogr. p., 6 pi. 4\

van der Toorn (J. L.) Minangka- bausche spraakkunst. 's Gravenhage, 1899, xxiii, 227 p. 8°.

Vacher de Lapouge. La langue de la Gaule avant les Gaulois. [Bull, hist, et philol.J Paris, 1898, Imp. nat., 23 p. 8°.

Vuacheux (F.) Etude sur les causes de la progression constatee dans la criminalite precoce. [AV/r. from : Bull. d. sc. econom. et soc.J Paris, 189S, Imp. nat., 19 p. 8 .

Webster (W. D.) Illustrated cata- logue of ethnographical specimens, European und Eastern arms and ar- mour, pre-historic and other curiosities on ^ale by * * * Bicester, 1899, 7 1., 12 pi. sin. 4 .

Weigand (Gustav). Samosch- und Theiss-Dialekte. Leipzig, 1899, iii, 85 p. 8.

Wiener (Leo). History of Yiddish lit- erature in the XlXth century. New York, 1899, C. Scribner's Sons, xv, 402 p. 8'.

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AM. ANTH. N.S., 1 — 17

��tonini et Lemesle (H.) L'anthropol- ogie criminelle au XVl e siecle ; le juge- ment des yeux. Gaz. med. de Par., 1899, 11. s., 81. — Appelgren (H.) Barba- riska efterbild-ningar af orientaliska nynt, [Barbaric counterfeits of Oriental coins.] Finskt. Mus., Helsingfors, 1898, 24-29. — Aspelin (J. K.) Tv&nne ringar af en for de slaviska folken karaktaris- tisk form, /did., 63. — Babcoek (W. II.) The Naticoke Indians of Indian river, Delaware. Am. Anthrop., N. Y.. 1899, -• 277-282.— Bagjinaky (A.) [Ein kleines Kind mit einer unge- wohnlichen Haar-Entwickelung.] Ver- handl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1898, (346).— Bailey (L. H.) The fac- tors of organic evolution from a botanical standpoint. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1897 Wash., 1898, 453-475.— Barr (M. W.) Mental defectives and the social welfare. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1898-99, liv, 74°~759 — Bartels (M.) Kaukasische GUrtel und Binder. Verhandl. d. Berl. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., 1898, (329-332). -Belck (W.) & Lehmann (C. F.) Armenische Expedition. /did., (414- 416). — Benedikt. Kathetometrische Studien. Wien. klin. Wchnschr., 1899, xii. 499. — Bergen (Fanny D.) Two witch stories [told by a young colored girl at Chestertown, Md.] J. Am. Folk- Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1899, xii, 68.— Ber- tillon (J.) De la depopulation de la France et des remedes a y apporter. Rev., scient.. Par., 1899, 4. s., xi, 417, 453. — Bianchi ( L. ) II nervosismo di questa fi ne di secolo. Rev. mens, di psichiat. forense, Napoli, 1899, ii, 49-70.— Bianchi (Q.) L'evoluzione storica del diavolo nella de- linquenza. Anomalo. Napoli, 1898, viii, 204 ; 247.— van Biervliet (J.-J.) L'homme droit et l'homme gauche. Rev. phil., Par., 1899, xxiv, 113 ; 276. — Boas (F.) Some recent criticisms of physical an- thropology. Am. Anthrop., N. Y., 1899, n. s., i, 98-106.— Bolton (II. C.) Folk- tales of the pansy. J. Am. Folk- Lore, Bost. & N. Y., 1899, xii, 69. — Bosan- quet (B.) Social automatism and the imitation theory. Mind, Lond., 1899, n s., viii, 167-175— Brinton (D. G.) The Calchaqui : an archeological problem. Am. Anthrop., N. Y., 1899, n. s., i, 41-

44. Professor Blumentritt's studies of

the Philippines. /bid. % 122-125. Phe

linguistic cartography of the Chaco re- gion. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila.,

1S98, xxxvii, 178-205, 1 map. On two

unclassified recent vocabularies from South America, /bid., 321-323. — Bra-

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