Page:An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait.djvu/30

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October following[1]; but while fitting out, a material change was made in her destination. Since the discovery of Bass's Strait[2], it had entered into the contemplation of Government to establish a settlement at its western entrance, as well from commercial, as political motives. In the first respect, it would give the greatest encouragement to the speculations carried on for seals

  1. The Glatten and Calcutta were fitted exactly alike. They were armed en flute having only 18 guns on the upper deck; rigged at 56 gun ships, with a compliment of 170 men.
  2. Bass's Strait separates New Holland from Van Diemen's Land, in lat. 39°S.; it was discovered by Mr. Bass, surgeon of his Majesty's ship Reliance, in an open whale boat, in the year 1799. It was afterward surveyed by Mr. Bass and Mr. Hinders, second lieutenant of the Reliance, and found to be from 106 to 130 miles in breadth, affording a clear passage from the South Sea into the Indian Ocean.
