Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/158

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gravy, a little mace, twelve corns of black and twelve of white pepper, six cloves, an anchovy, an onion, and a little bundle of sweet-herbs. Let them simmer very softly a quarter of an hour, then strain it, put it into the sauce-pan again, and add to two spoonfuls of catchup and a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in a little flour, half a spoonful of catchup and a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in a little flour, half a spoonful of mushroom-juice: stir all together, and let it boil. Boil one half of the rows; the other half beat up with an egg, half a nutmeg grated, a little lemon-peel cut fine, and a little salt. Beat all well together, and have ready some nice beef-dripping boiling in a stew-pan, into which drop your row, and fry them in little cakes, about as big as a crown-piece, of a fine light brown, and some sippets cut three corner-ways, and fried crisp; a few oysters, if you have them, dipped in a little batter and fried brown, and a good handful of parsley fried green.

Lay the fish in the dish, the boiled rows on each side, the sippets standing round the carp; pour the sauce boiling hot over the fish; lay the fried rows and oysters, with parsley and scraped horse-raddish and lemon between, all round the dish, the rest of the cakes and oysters lay in the dish, and send it to table hot. If you would have the sauce white, put in white-wine, and good strong veal-gravy, with the above ingredients. Dressed as in the Lent chapter, is full as good. if your beer is not bitter.

As to dressing, a pike, and all other fish, you have it in the Lent chapter; only this, when you dress them with a pudding, you may add a little beef-suet cut very fine, and good gravy in the sauce. This is a better way then stewing them in the gravy.


Of Soups and Broths

To make a strong broth for soups or gravy.

TAKE a leg of beef, chop it to pieces, set it on the fire in flur gallons of water, scum it clean, season it with black and white pepper, a few cloves, and a bundle of sweet-herbs. Let it boil till two parts is wasted, then strain it off, and keep it for use.