Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/64

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out the onion and sweet-herbs, beat up the yolks of three eggs, grate half a nutmeg in, and with your spoon push the meat all to one side of the pan and the gravy to the other side, and stir in the eggs; keep them stirring for fear of turning to curds, and when the sauce is fine and thicke shake all together, put in half a spoonful of vinegar, and give them a shake; then put the meat into the dish, pour the sauce over it, and have ready some slices of bacon toasted, and fried oysters; throw the oysters all over, and lay the bacon round. Garnish with lemon.

A fricasey of lamb-stones and sweetbreads.

HAVE ready some lamb-stones blanched, parboiled and sliced, and flour two or three sweetbreads; if very thick, cut them in two, the yolks of six hard eggs whole; a few pistacho-nut kernels, and a few large oysters: fry these all of a fine brown, then pour out all the butter, and add a pint of drawn gravy, the lamb-stones, some asparagus tops about an inch long, some grated nutmeg, a little pepper and salt, two shalots shred small, and a glass of white wine. Stew all these together for ten minutes, then add the yolks of six eggs beat very fine, with a little white wine, and a little beaten mace; stir altogether till it is of a fine thickness, and then dish it up. Garnish with lemon.

To hash a calf's head.

BOIL the head almost enough, then take the best half and with a sharp knife take it nicely from the bone, with the two eyes. Lay it in a little deep dish before a good fire, and take great care no ashes fall into it, and then hack it with a knife cross and cross: grate some nutmeg all over, a very little pepper and salt, a few sweet herbs, some crumbs of bread, and a little lemon-peel chopped fine, baste it with a little butter, then baste it again, and pour over it the yolks of two eggs; keep the dish turning that it may be all brown alike: cut the other half and tongue into little thin bits, and set on a pint of drawn gravy in a sauce-pan, a little bundle of sweet-herbs, an onion, a little pepper and salt, a glass of red wine, and two shalots; boil all these together, a few minutes, then strain it through a sieve, and put it into a clean stew-pan with the hash. Flour the meat before you put it in, and put in a few mushrooms, a spoonful of the pickle, two spoonfuls of catchup, and a few truffles and morels; stir all these together for a few minutes, then beat up half the brains, and stir into the stew-pan, and a little