Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/46

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fore of this parte the Rhetoryciens whiche be mayfters of this arte haue written very moche and diligently.

Inuencyon is comprehended in certayn placys/as the Rhetori- ciens call them/out of whom he that knoweth the facultye may fetche eafyly f uche thynges as be mete for the mater that he f hal fpeke of / which mater the Oratour calleth the theme and in oure vulgayre tonge it is callyd improprely the antytheme. 1 The theme propofed 2 we mufte after the rules of Rhetoryke go to oure placys that fhal anone f hew vnto vs what f halbe to oure purpofe.

Example. In olde tyme there was grete enuy betweene .ii. noble men of Rome of whome the one was callyd Mylo / and the other Clodyus. The 3 which malice grew fo ferre that Clodius layed wayte for Mylo on a feaibn when he fhulde ryde out of the cyte/ and in his iournay set vpon him and there as it chanfyd* Clodius was flayne / where vpon thys Clodius frendes accufed Milo to the Senate of rnurdre. Tully whiche in [A v a] tho dayes was a grete aduocate in Rome fhulde plede Miloes caufe. Nowe it was opyn that Milo had flayn Clodius / but whether he had flaine him laufully or nat was the doute. So the/z the theme of Tullyes oracyon or plee for Milo was thys, that he had flayne Clodius laufully / and therfore he ought nat to be puniffhed. For the confirmacyon wherof (as dothe appere in Tullyes oracyon) he dyd brynge out of placis-of Rhetoryke argumentes to proue his fayde theme or purpofe. And lykewyfe mufte we do when we haue any mater to fpeke or commune of. As yf I fhulde make an oracyon to the laude and prayfe of the kynges hyghneffe / I mufte for the Inue/zcyon of fuche thynges as be for my purpofe / go to places of Rhetoryke / where I fhal eaf ly fynde (after I knowe the rules) / that that I desyre. Here is to be noted that there is no theme but it is conteined vnder one of .iiii. 6 caufis /or for the more playnes 5 .iiii. 6 kyndes of oracions. The fyrfte is callyd Logycall, whiche kynde we call properly difputacio#. The fecude is callid Demoltratyue. The thyrde Delyberatyue. The .iiii. 7 Judiciall/ and thefe thre lafte be properly callid fpeces 8 or kindes of oracions / whofe natures f halbe declarid feperatly here after with the crafte that is required i[n] euery [A v b] of them.

1 B. Anthethem. s B. playnnes.

2 B. purpofed. 6 B. foure.

3 B. omits The. 7 B. fourth.

4 B. chaunced. 8 B. 1'pices.

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