Page:Baseball Joe on the School Nine.djvu/154

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but he did not like being mistreated—especially when it was not by his friends.

"Don't go!" he called suddenly to Tom.

"Then we'll make you!" said the disguised voice. "Grab 'em fellows!"

Instantly there was a commotion in the room. Joe leaped back to get behind a sofa, but one of the black-masked figures was too quick for him and seized him around the neck. Our hero tried to tear the mask from the face to see who his assailant was, but other hands clasped his arms from behind and he was helpless.

Tom, too, was having his own troubles. He was beset by two of the unknowns and held in such a way that he could do nothing. The struggle though sharp was a quiet one, for the students did not want to attract the attention of a monitor or prowling professor.

"'Tis well," spoke the lad who was evidently the leader, when Tom and Joe were held safely, their hands having been tied behind their backs. "Away with them to the dungeon deep, and they will soon be good, faithful and true members of the Mystic and Sacred Order of the Choo-Choo!"

Then, realizing that discretion was probably now the better part of valor, Joe and Tom meekly followed their captors.