Page:Betelguese, a trip through hell.djvu/24

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Spit broths from splinter'd wracks and domes.

Where viscid mists and vulpine cries

Rise from the moat of dungeoned gloom

And rasp the stationed walls of night

Until sequesteréd skulls and bones

Are made to hear the moaning sighs

That some mad Titan, rayed in gold,

Wrests from Damnation's siffling tomb.

And labyrinths of Horror's Home,

'Mid vapours green and aisles unsunned,

Provoke each cursing mattoid's fold

Until the night is changed to noon

By cowled magicians on a dome.

Then wizardry, strange, unsummed,

Reveals each varlet, Figgum's might:

A hemless rabble from the South

That some wild Trojan flayed and curs'd,

Skirr thro' the Cauldrons broken lane

And wing for implex strands and light.

There, where tapers flare on Hell's mouth

This clan damns each giant Soldan first.