Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/108

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ASSURED. A person who has been insured by some insuiance company, or under- Wl’11.Pl‘, against losses or perils mentioned in the policy of insurance. Broduay i. Insurance (Jo. (U. U.) 2'.) Fed. T Sanford v. insurance 00.. 12 (lush. (i\iii s.) 545.

The person for whose benefit the policy is issued and to whom the loss is 1.vaytible, not nu i-- iily the peison on whose life or pi'upc1't_v the policy is written. Thus where

1 vii x- insures her husban(l’s ilfe for her own

benent and he h.1s no interest in the policy. she is the "assui'ed" and he the ‘insui'ed_" Hogle v. insurance ('10.. 6 Rob. (N. Y.) 570; Feiilon v. Canlield, 10-} N. Y. 148, 10 N. E. 1415; Insuiance Co. v. LllLhS, 108 U. S. -198; 2 Sup. Ct. 9&9, 27 L. Ed. 800.

ASSURER. An insurer against cemiin periis and dangeis; an undci-writer; an indeninifier.

ASSYTHEMENT. In Scotch law. Dam- ages awarded to the ri-.-Litive of a murdered IJCISDIJ twm the guiity party, who has not been convicted and punished Paters. Uonip.

ASTIPULATION. A mutual agreement, assent, and consent between parties: also a witness or record.

ASTITRARIUS HÆRES. All heir apparent who has been piaced, by conveyauce. in possession of his ani:esLor's estate during such nucestor's l.i.t'e-time. Co. Lltt. 8.

ASTITUTION. An arrnigninent, (q. 1:.)

ASTRARIUS. In Old English law. A householder-. belonging to the house: a person in actual possession of a house.

ASTRER. In Old English law. A house‘ holder, or occupant of a house or hearth.

ASTRICT. ln Scotch law. a particular mill.

To assign to

ASTRICTION TO A MILL. A servitude b y which ginin growing on certain lands or brought within them must be carried to a certain mill to be ground, a certain niulture or price being paid for the same. Jacoh.

ASTRIHIILTET. In Saxon law. A penalty for a wrong done by one in the king’s peace. The ollender was to replace the dam- age twofold Speiinan.

ASTRUM. A house, or place of habitation. Binct. tel. 26111; Cuwell.

ASYLUM. 1. A sanctuary, or place of refuge mid protection, where criminals and (lcl-tm-s found shelter, and from which they could not be taken without sacrilege. State v. B-icon. 6 Neh. 291: Cromie v. Institution r-t hIel‘('_V. 3 Rush (Ky.) 391.

2. Shelter; refuge: protection from the hand of justice. The word includes not only place, but also shelter, security, protection: and 11 fugitive from justice, who has com- mitted a crime in a foreign country. "seeks an asylum" at all times when he claims the use of the teiritorics of the United States in re De Giacomo, 12 Biatchf. 395, Fed. Cas. No. 3.747.

8. An Institution for the protection and relief of untortunates, as asylunis for the poor, for the deaf and dumb, or for the insane. Lawrence v. Leidigh, 58 Kan. 59-1, 60 Pac. 000. 62 Am. St. Rep. 631.

AT ARM's LENGTH. Beyond the reach of personal influence or control Parties are said to deal "at arm's ieugth" when each stands upon the stilct letter of nil rights, and conducts the business in a formal manner, without trusting to the other‘: fairness or integrity, and without being subject to the other’: control or overniasteiing in- fluence.

AT BAR. Before the court. "The case at bar," etc. Dyer, 31. AT LARGE. (1) Not limited to any par-

ticular place, district. person. matter, or question. (2) Free; unrestrained; not under corporal control; as a ferocious animal so free from restraint as to be liable to do mischief. (3) Fuily; in detail; in an extended form.

AT LAW. According to law; by, for. or in law; particularly in distinction from that which is done in or according to equity; or in titles such as sergeant at law. barrister at law, attorney or counseiior at law. See Hooker v. Nichols, 116 N. O. 157, 21 S. I1‘. 208.

AT SEA. Out of the limits of any port or harbor on the sea-coast. The Harriet. 1 Story. 251, Fed. Cas. No. 6,099. See Wales v. Insurance 00.. 3 Allen (M.\ss.) 5330; Hubbard v. Hubbard, 8 N. Y. 199; Ex parte Thompson. 4 Bradf. Sur. (N. Y.) 158; Button v. Insurance Co., 7 Hill (N. Y.) 325: Bowen v. Insurance Co.. 20 Pick. (Mass) 276, 32 Am. Dec. 213; U. S. v. Syiuonds. 120 U. S. 46. 7 Sup. Ct. 411, 30 L. Ed. 557: U. 8. v. Barnette, 165 U. S. 174. 17 Sup. Ct. 284‘; 41 L Ed. 675.

ATAMITA. In the civil law. A great- great-great-grandl'ather's sister. ATAVIA. In the civil law. A great-

graudinothei-'s grandmother.

ATAVUNCULUS. The brother of I great-gi-and1'ather's grandmother.

ATAVUS. The great-grandfather‘: oi grant-grandmother's grandfather; a fourth grandfather. The ascending line of lineal ancestry runs thus: Pater, Aims, P:-am-us, Abacus. Atauus, Tritaizus. The seventh gen-