Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1189

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U. B.


U. B. An abbreviation for "Upper Bench."

U. C. An abbreviation for "Upper Canada," used in citing the reports.

U. E. Initials of "uti rogas," be it as you desire a ballot thus inscribed, by which the Romans voted in favor of a bill or candidate. Tayl. Civil Law, 191.

U. S. An abbreviation for "United States."

UBERRIMA FIDES. Lat. The most abundant good faith; absolute and perfect candor or openness and honesty; the absence of any concealment or deception, however slight.

Uhi nliqnid cnneeditnr, conceditnr et id sine qua res ipsn ease nnn potent. When anything is granted. that also is granted Without which the thing granted cannot exist. Broom, Max. 483; 13 Mees. ii: W. 706.

Ubi aliquid impeditur prapter unum, eo remote, tollitur impedimentum. Where anything is impeded by one single cause, it that be removed, the impediment is renmved. Branch. Princ.. citing 5 Coke, 77a.

Ubi eessat remedinm ordinarium, ibi decarritnr ad ext:-no:-dimu-inm. Where the ordinary remedy fails, recourse must be had to on extraordinary one. 4 Coke, S121).

Ubi eulpa. est, ibi paans. snbesse debut. Where the crime is committed, there ought the punishment to be undergone. Jenk. Cent. 325.

'lTbi dsmnn dnntur, vietus viotori in expensin condemnari debet. "'here dam- ages are given, the vanquished party ought to be condemned in costs to the victor. 2 Inst. 289.

Ubi endem ratio, ihi eadem lex; at de similihns idem elt Judieium. 7 Coke, 18. Where the same reason exists, there the same law prevails; and, of things similar. the jndgment is similar.

U'hi et dnnti: et iwcipientis tux-pitudo vex-satin-, non posse repeti djoimns; quotiens autem necipientis tnrpitudn versatux-_ repeti posse. Where there is turpl- tutie on the port of both giver and receiver, we say it cannot be recovered back: but as often as the turpitude is on the side of the receiver [alone] it can be recovered hack. Mason v. Waite, 17 Mass 56?.

U'hi factnm nullnm, ihi forth. nulls. Where there is no principal fact, there can be no accessory. 4 Coke, 426.

U'bi jun, fbi remedium. Where there In a right there is a remedy. Broom. Max. 191, 204; 1 Term R. 512; C0. Litt 1971).

U'bi jun incertnm, ilyi jus nnllnm. Where the law is uncertain, there is no law

U11! lent nliqnern cogit ustendere caustun. necesse est quad causa. sit justn. at leg-itinza. Wiiere the law compels .\ man to show cause, it is necessary that the cause he just and lawful. 2 Inst. 289.

'U'bi lex est specialis, et ratio ejus genetalis, gene:-aliter accipicnda est. 2 Inst 43. Where the law is special, and the reason of it general, it ought to be taken as being general.

Ubi lex non distinguit, nee nos distin- g-uere delaemmr. Where the law does not distinguish, neither ought we to rlistingiiish. 7 Coke, 51?.

'U'bi major pars est, ibi totum. Where the greater part is, there the whole is. That is. majorities govern. Moore, 578.

U'bi non adesl: norms. legis. oznnin. quasi pro suspectis hslaenda. snnt. When the law falls to serve as a rule, almost everything ought to be suspected. Bac. Aphorisms, 25.

Ubri non est nnnnn renovatia, ihi decimne non delaent solvi. Where there is no annual renovation, there tithes ought not to be paid.

U'hi non est oondendl auctoritns, ilyi non est pin-endj necessitns. Dav. Ir. K. B. 69. Where there is no authority for establishing a rule, there is no necessity of obeying ii’.

Ubi non est directs lex, stnndum est arliitrio judicis, vel prneedendnln ad similia. Eilesm. Post. N. 41. Where there is no direct law, the opinion of the judge is to he taken, or references to be made to similar cases.

Ubi non est lex, ihi non est trans- gx-essio, quoad mnndum. Where there is no law, there is no transgression, so far as relates to the world. 4 Coke. 1612.

Ubi non est- manifests injustitin, ju- dieel habentut pro laonis viris, et judicatum pro veritnte. Where there is no manifest iujustice, the judges are to be re- garded us honest men, and their judgment as truth. Goix v. Low, 1 Johns. Cas. (N. Y.) 341, 345.