Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/291

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COUNTY. The name given to the principal subdivisions of the kingdom of England and of most of the states of the American Union, denoting a distinct portion of territory organized by itself for political and judiciai purposes. The et,\’nJolor_;y of the word shows it to have Iiceri the district ocnieatly governed by a count or earl. In modern use, the word may denote either the territory marlicd off to form a county, or the (‘likens resideni; within such territory, tak- P|'i colicctlvely and considered as invested with pnilticai rights, or the county regarded as a iiiunii-ipal ('orpI.ii'ntinn possessing S\1h°1" -iliialo Sorernmeiitai powers, or an organ- i7v~t jlll"li society invested with specific rights and duties. Patterson v. Temple. M .\i'l. 207: l-".-.i,_'le v. ‘Be-iril. 33 \rk. 5017 I \\‘n.-ster r. Pl; mouth. 62 N. H 208.

—Coiuity bridge. A hi-idge of the larger l"il\'S vi-i=cri=il by the county, and which the uiiizry a iinhie to keep in repair. Taylor 7. links Countv. 40 Iowa, _ ' : Dunne (‘nuuty v.

i lllutchlcr 137 Ind. 140. "G N. E. 5-34.—Cou.nty commissioners. Officers of a county charged

. iiiiii a vn1'ict_V of ariI_iiiiiistr;itire and (‘XE(’il[lVE duties, but [it‘lllI"i|1nlly with the management of

[lip financial nfli.-iirs of the county. its poiice

, rquiatinns, and its corporate husincss. Sometimes the iocitl laws give them limited judicial powers. in some sts tcs thcy are c-ilied "*K|,l]lel‘- i-2.-ors." (‘oI_ii. v. Krickliaiim. 199 Pa. .'-151, 49

All. fiS.—County corporate. A city or town,

with more or iess teiritory annexed. having the

I Di'l\iil‘L'l‘ to be a county of itseif, and not to he iuniprind iii any other county: such as Lon-

ih-i, Yorli, Bristol, .\‘orwich, and other cities in

I ifiiizlnnil. 1 Bl. (luuim. ‘J20.—CoIl.nty court. A court of high antiquity in England. inrfident

to the jurisdiction of the sherifi’. It is not a oznrt of rr>crii'<l, but may hoid pleas of dclir or - mares. under the vuiue of forty shillings. u frccliolders of the county (aiiciently termed the "suitors" of the court) are the real judges

i in this court, and the sheriEE is the ministcriai olfircr. See 3 Bl. Comm. 35. 36: 3 Steph. Comm. 395 But in modern English law the name is appropriated to a system of tiihunnis asrnlilislied by the statute 9 S: 10 Vict. c. 95, hniini: I1 limited jurisdiction. principally for the recovery of smaii debts. It is also the name of i-i-rtiiia trihiiiinis of limited jurisdiction in the coilnty of Middiesex. estiibiished under the stat-

iiie 22 Gen. II. c. 33. In American law. The name is used in many of the states to desiivnate

the ordinary courts of record ju isdic-

lion for trials at nisi prius. Their powers gen- urniiy comprise ordinary civil juri liction, also

the charge and care of persons and estates coming within legal guardianship, a limited criminal jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction over jus-

tins of the mace, etc.—Coiuity jail. A place

at initirccrutiou for the punisliincul; of minor offt‘IIAS and the custody of triinsicnt prisoners,

are the iguotniny of confinement is dcioid of infamous character which an imprisonment in the state jail or penitentiary ciirrir-s with it.

il. S. v. Grei-nvrald (D. C.) 6-1 Fed. S.—Connty

nfiic . Those vlhose general authority and jurisdiction are confined within the limits of

(lie c--iiity in which they are appointed, who are nmnliitt-d in and for a particular county, and wtme duties apply only to that county, and

I lhniigh vihum the county performs its usual politiciil functions. State v. 1’-Iirns. 138 Fla.

2] South 1".) , crate v. Glenn 7 ilcisli.

( enn.) -173; in re aipenler, 7 I¥.iiii. (N. Y.) M; Phliadeiphia v. Martin, 125 . 583. 17 .\ll.;'SUT.—-County palntine. _ A term hestowed iipun certain counties in England, the lords of



which in former times enjoyed especial privi- leges. _They might pardon treasons. murders. and feionies. All write and indictments ran in their names, as in other counties in the lung's; and all olfenses were said to be done against their peace, and not, as in other places. contra pacem damini regis. But these have in modern times neariy disappeared.—Coiuity rate. In English law. An imposition levied on_ the occupiers of lands, and applied to many iniscnlinucnus purposes, among which the most important are those of defraying the expenses connected with prisons, reimhursing_ to priuite parties the costs they have incurred in prosecuting public offenders, and defraying the expenses of the cou.nty police. See 15 S: 16 Vict. c. 81.- Caunty rand. One which lies wholly within one county, and which is thereby distinguished from a state road, vihich is B ruad iying in two or more counties. State v. Wood County. 17 Ohio, lS(i.—Cuunty-sent. A county-seat or county-town is the chief town of i1 county. where the county huiidiups and courts are i cated and the caiinty husiuess trans-ictrd. ‘Vii- liains r. Rcutzci, 60 Ark. ]."il'i_ 29 S. W_ 974; In re Ailison, 13 Coin. 5251. 22 Pac. S20, 10 L. R.

A. 790. 16 Am. Qt. Rep. 224 ' \’l'hallon v. Grid- ley. 51 Mich. . 16 N. W. i .—County les sions. In En_-_rl.a d, the court of gmi-r-ii quar-

ter sessions of the peace held in every county once in every quarter of a year. 1\lozie_v & "hitley.—-—Gnunty-town. The county-seat; the town in which the seat of government of the county is loca ted. State v. CRIBS. 105 Tenn. 441. 58 S. W. G4.'l.—Connty warrant. An order or warrant drawn by some diiiy authoriz- ed officer of the county, diri-ctul to the county treasurer and directing him to pay out of the funds of the county 21 designated sum of money to it named individual, or to his order or to bearer. Savage v. Mathews. 9S Ala. 5353. 13 South. 32-S; Crawford v. Noliie County. 8 Okl. -150. 58 Pac. 616; People v. Rio Grande C‘nunty. '1] Colo. App. 124, 52 Pnc. 'i'48.—l‘o:-eig-n county. Any cnuniy having a judiciai and muniripsii orgnuizafiou separate from that of the county where matters arising in the former county are cailcd in question. though both may lie within the same state or country.

COUPONS. interest and diiidend certificates; also those parts of a comniertiai instrument which are to be cut, and which are evidence of something connected uith the contract mentioned in the instrument. They are generally attached to certificates of loan, where the interest is payable at particuiar periods, and, when the interest is paid, they are cut off and delivered to the payer. Wharton.

Coupons are written contracts for the pay- mcnt nf a definite sum of money on a given dav, and being drawn and executed in a form and mode for the purpose. that they may he separat- cd from the bonds and other instruments to which they are usually attached, it is hold that they are negotiable and that a suit may be maintained on them niihoui: the necessity of producing the honds. Each matured coupon upon a negotiable bond is a separable promise distinct from the promises to pay the bonds the other coupons, and gives rise to a separate cause of action. Aurora v. West, 7 "mi. 19 L. Ed. 42.

—Conpon bonds. Bonds to which are attached coupons for the several successive installments of interest to maturity Bonwcli v. Ncitarlt N. J. Eq. 200, 31} . 65?}; Tennessec Bond Cases, 114 U. S. a , 5 Sup. Ct.

974. 29 L. Ed. 28'l.—-vflonpun notes. Promissory notes with coupons attached, the coupons hcing notes for interest wiitten at the hottoin

