Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/99

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or established by authority or requiring judicial action.

2. A statute: as having its provisions articulately expressed under distinct heads. Several of the ancient English statutes were called "articles." (articuli.)

3. A system of rules established by legal authority: as articles of war, articles of the navy. articles of faith. (see infra.)

4. A contractual document executed between parties, containing stipulations or C""l.IJS of agreement; as articles of agree muit. nrtz'clc.s of partnership.

5. In cbancery practice. A formal written statement of objections filed by a party, utter depositions have been taken. showing ground for dlscrediting the witnesses.

—Articles approbatux-y. ln Scott-ii law. Tiiiit piirt of the proceedings which corresponds to the iinswer to the chiirze in an ‘ slish hill 5: chnnu-ry. Paiers. Cun1p.—A:l' clca impr-olantrrry. In Scotch irw. .‘\it1'r-iilate averinniits ex-[ting forth the facts relied upon. Bell. ‘flint part of the pi-orrnrlings which corresponds to the charge in an English hill in ch:rn('Pry to I01 aside a deed. Pirtere. Comp. The answer is cuiicd "articles approliutory."—Ar-ticles, Lords of. A committee of the Scottish pariil\IllPlJ|'., which. in the mode of its election, and to the nature of its powers, was calculated to lmruase the influence of the crown, and to con- ’! upon it a power equivalent to that of ll uaitivr before dehnte. This system appeared vrm-sistent with the freedom of parliament, and at the revolution the convention of eststcs deslirrd it a grievance and accordingly it was srippi-essi-d by Act 1690. c 3. \\ hnrlon —-Articles of agreement. A written memorandum of the ‘arms of an npzreament It is a common prac- 590 for persons to enter into articles of n::rce- nciit. ]'iI‘i‘|"l‘dtt|l‘y to the execution of a formal rind, whereby it is stipulated that one of the ysrlics shall convey to the other certain lands. or reli-iiu his t to them, or execute some Iihcr disposition of them.—Articles of assu- ciiitlo Articles siiliscrihed iiy the memliers of II int-stock compauv or corporation organiz- url uiiilor a general law, and which create the mnnirate rrnion between them. Such articles are in the nature of a partnership n_L‘l'c(-mr-nt. nil commonly specify the form of organization. amount of capital. kind of business to be prir- Ilril. location of the coinpanv. etc. Articles of ruutliition are to be distingiiishcd from a chartcr. in that the latter is a grant of power from the .-Ii-i~rri_':n or the ie.-zislnture.—A1-tieles of confederation. The name of the instrument olxln.-l_iini: the compact mnrie iictaecn the thir- Inn original statcs of the Union. before the Idwtinn of the present cnnstitirtion.—-Articles of faith. In English law The system of lhlh of the Church of Enuland. more commonly ?Dli'lJ us the "'1‘h'irty-Nine Articies."—Arti- - es of impeachment. A formal viritten ai- iualion of the causes for imp:-achmcnt; an- Ituing the same office as an indictment in an wcinnry criminal pro:-erdiu,r:.—Ax-ticles of icnorporation. The iustrurncnt iiy which a pri- "|_': corporation is formed and organized under sq:-srni corporation laws. People v. Golden ie I/wdgc. 1'38 Cal. 257, G0 1"'ic 865.—Art.i- den of partnership. A written ngreeincnt M which the parties enter into a copartnrrsliip n the terms and conditions thcrein stipulat- Articles of religion. In English eccle- gbiicnl law. Cominunly called the "Thirty- ne Articies;" a body of dirinity drawn up by convocation in 15 .2, and confirmed by sures i.—Artiales of roup. In Scotch law.

The terms and conditions under which property is sold at auction.—A1-ticles of set. In Scotch law. An agreement for a lease. Piiters. Comp. —-Articles of the clergy. The title of a statute passed in the ninth year of Edward II, for the purpose of adjusting and settling the great questions of cognizance then existing hctween the ecclesiastical and temporal courts. 2I’.ei-ve. llist. Eng. Law, 291-296.—Artiic1es of the navy. A system of rules prescribed by act of parliament for the government of the English navy; also. in the United States, there are articles for the government of the uirvy.—Art.iclan of the peace. A complaint made or exhibited to a court by a person who makes oath that he is in fear of death or bodily harm from some one who has threatened or attempted to do him injury. The court may thereupon order the person complained of to find suretics for the peace, and. in default, may commit him to prison. Comm. 255.—Artic1es of 111:- ion. In English law. Articles agreed to. A. D. 1707, by the parliaments of England and Scotland, for the union of the two kinszdoins. They were lVh€lIl_V-iiVE in number 1 Bl. Coinin. 96.—A1-ticles of was-. Codes framed for the govcrnment of a nation's n.riny are commonly thus called.

ARTIGULATE ADJUDIGATION. In Scotch law. Where the creditor holds several distinct dchis. a separate adjudication for each cialm is thus called.

ARTICULATELY. Article by article: by distinct clauses or articles: by separate propositions.

ARTICULI. Lat. Articles; items or

heads. A term applied to some old English statutes, and occasionally to treati. s

—Ax-ticrrll cleri. Articles of the clergy. (q. v.)—Ax-ticuli de rnonetn. Articles concerning money, or the currency. The title of II. statute passed in the tnentieth war of Ed- ward I. 2 Rcevc, Hist. Eng. Law. ..2S; Crnbh. Eng. Law. (Amer. Ed.) 167.—A1-ticuli Magnie Glia:-tie. [lie preliminary articles. iorty-nine in numher, upon which the Magma Clmrta was foundcd.—-A1-ticnli super char-tars. Articles upon the charters. The title of a statute passed in the twenty-eighth year of E«lvi.ii'il I. st. 3. confirming or enlarging many particulars in Magma (Hiizrtn, and the Charts de Forester, and appointing a method for enforcing the observ- ance of them, and for the punishiment of offenders. 2 Reeve, Hist Eng. Law. 103, 233.

ARTICULO MORTIS. (Or more com- monly in arficulo mwtis.) In the article of death; at the point of death.

ARTIFICER. One who ‘buys goods in order to rcduce iliem, by his own art or industry, into other forms, and then to sell H1!-3l.|l_ Lansdnle v. Brashear. 3 T. B. l\Ion. (KY.) 335.

One who is actually and personally en- gaged or eniplnyed to do work of a mechanical ur physical character, not including one who takes contracts for labor to be performed by others. Ingram V Barnes. 7 El. 8: B]. 135: Chawner v. Cunirnlngs, 8 Q. B. 321.

One who is master of his art, and whose employment consists chiefly in manual labor. Wharton; Cunningham.