Page:Blaise Pascal works.djvu/200

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terms were obscure only for the unrighteous. And this is what Isaiah says: Signa legem in electis meis,[1] and that Jesus Christ shall be a stone of stumbling. But, "Blessed are they who shall not be offended in him." Hosea, ult., says excellently, "Where is the wise? and he shall understand what I say. The righteous shall know them, for the ways of God are right; but the transgressors shall fall therein."


Hypothesis that the apostles were impostors.—The time clearly, the manner obscurely.—Five typical proofs.

2000 1600 prophets.
400 scattered.


Blindness of Scripture.—"The Scripture," said the Jews, "says that we shall not know whence Christ will come (John vii. 27, and xii. 34). The Scripture says that Christ abideth for ever, and He said that He should die." Therefore, says Saint John, they believed not, though He had done so many miracles, that the word of Isaiah might be fulfilled: "He hath blinded them," &c.


Greatness.—Religion is so great a thing that it is right that those who will not take the trouble to seek it, if it be obscure, should be deprived of it. Why, then, do any complain, if it be such as can be found by seeking?


All things work together for good to the elect, even the obscurities of Scripture; for they honour them because of what is divinely clear. And all things work together for evil to the rest of the world, even what is clear; for they revile such, because of the obscurities which they do not understand.

  1. Isaiah, viii. 16.