Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/232

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Page 232

14/ UNIDO, Industry in the 1980s, op. cit.

15/ N. Namiki, 'International Redeployment of Pollution-Intensive Industries and the Role of Multinational Corporations'. prepared for WCED. 1986.

16/ OECD. Developments in Steel Making Capacity in Non-OECD Market Economy Countries (Paris: 1985).

17/ Namiki, op. cit.

18/ UNIDO, Industry in a Changing World (New York: 1983).

19/ OECD, The State of the Environment 1985 (Paris: 1985).

20/ 'Industry Experience with Environmental Problem Solving', background paper prepared for the World Industry Conference on Environmental Management, organized by the International Chamber of Commerce and the UN Environmental Programme, Versailles, 14-16 November 1984.

21/ Ibid.

22/ UNEP, The World Environment 1972-1982 (Nairobi: 1982).

23/ V. Anikeev, Director of the Department on Environment and Rational Use of Natural Resources, GOSPLAN, during a visit by WCED to the GOSPLAN headquarters, Moscow, 12 December 1986.

24/ P.F. Drucker, 'The Changed World Economy', Foreign Affairs, Spring 1986.

25/ E.D. Larson et al, 'Beyond the Era of Materials', Scientific American, June 1986,

26/ Drucker, op. cit.

27/ For a discussion of various possibilities for industrial application of biotechnology. see J. Elkington, Double Dividends? U.S. Biotechnology and Third World Development, WRI Papers, No. 2 (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 1986).

28/ The 1986 annual report of the Japanese Environment Agency to the Parliament dealt extensively with this topic of the potential environmental impacts and risks posed by the new technologies. Quality of the Environment in Japan 1986 (Tokyo: 1987).

29/ The U.S. Government recently announced a comprehensive regulatory policy for ensuring the safety of biotechnology research and products. See 'Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology', Federal Register, 26 June 1986.

30/ See OECD, 'Guiding Principles Concerning International Economic Aspects of Environmental Policies', Council Recommendation C(72)128, Paris, 26 May 1972.
