Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/347

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Page 347

The World Commission on Environment and Development therefore invites suggestions, participation, and support in order to assist it urgently:

  1. to re-examine the critical issues of environment and development and to formulate innovative, concrete, and realistic action proposals to deal with them:
  2. to strengthen international cooperation on environment and development and to assess and propose new forms of cooperation that can break out of existing patterns and influence policies and events in the direction of needed change; and
  3. to raise the level of understanding and commitment to action on the part of individuals, voluntary organizations, businesses. institutes, and governments.

The Commission solicits the views of those individuals, scientific institutes. non-governmental organizations, specialized agencies. and other bodies of the United Nations, and national governments concerned with environment and development issues. It requests their support and it will facilitate their participation in the work of the Commission. It wishes especially to hear the views of youth.

In fulfilling its tasks, the Commission will pay careful attention to the Terms of Reference suggested by the General Assembly of the United Nations to resolution 38/161, in which the General Assembly welcomed the establishment of the Commission.

The Commission's Work

In May of 1984. an Organizational Meeting of the Commission was held in Geneva to adopt its rues of procedure and operation and to appoint a Secretary General to guide its work. In July of 1984, a Secretariat was established in Geneva, temporarily at the Centre de Morillon and later at the Palais Wilson. Members of the Secratariat have included:

Secretary General: Jim MacNeill

Senior Professional Staff:

Nitin Desai, Senior Economic Advisor
Vitus Fernando, Senior Programme Officer
Banislav Gosovic, Senior Programme Officer
Marie-Madeleine Jacquemier, Finance and Administrative Officer
Kazu Karo, Director of Programmes
Warren H. Lindoer, Secretary of the Commission and Director of Administration
Elisabeth Monosowski, Senior Programme Officer
Gustavo Montero, Programme Planning Officer
Shimwaa'i Muntemba, Senior Programme Officer
Janos Pasztor, Senior Programme Officer
Peter Robbs, Sen or Public Information Advisor
Vicente Sanchez, Director of Programmes
