Page:Caplin - Health and Beauty1864 - 002.png

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Health and Beauty.

granted, that all the ills which flesh is heir to arise from one simple cause—ignorance, and the consequent indulgence and imbecility of mankind—for Nature is beneficent in all her operations, both in the construction of the body, and in its relations and adaptation to the external circumstances by which it is surrounded.

For the body itself is "fearfully and wonderfully made." Supported by over two hundred bones, which are welded together by ligaments and ten­dons, and again overlaid by hundreds of muscles—the bands and pulleys by which action and locomotion become possible—permeated by thousands of nerves which give sensibility and vitality to the living mass, and clothed by a soft and flexible skin which charms at once the eye and the touch. The different cavities, also—see how wonderfully they are filled. The head is the treasure-vault of all our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and pas­sions; the thorax contains the heart and lungs; the abdomen all the digestive and secretive organs; and even the orifices are all mysteriously furnished. How wonderfully is the eye em­bedded in its socket, the palate and tongue in the mouth, the organs of speech in the larynx, the olfactory nerve in the nostrils, the auditory nerve