Page:Caplin - Health and Beauty1864 - 004.png

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Health and Beauty.

can minister to our wants and pleasures. For the eye, what scenes of beauty and objects of wonder; for the ear, what sounds of divine harmony; what luxuries for the palate; what balmy objects for the touch; what fragrance for the smell. To the in­tellect she presents the key of the treasures of knowledge; to the heart she opens the fountains of love, and in life and death links our destiny with the beautiful, the pure, and the good. Nature, our beneficent mother, like a careful parent, has sur­rounded us with the best possible conditions, and all she requires from us is obedience to her laws.

Health, then, depends upon the manner in which the various organs of the body are enabled to per­form their several functions. There must, in order that this desirable state of existence may be fully enjoyed, be perfect respiration—the air passing down into the lungs, and inflating every little cell where the new blood comes to be baptized in a fresh atmosphere. The mouth, the pharynx, the œsophagus, the stomach, and other digestive apparatus through­out the long winding circle through which the food passes on its way to the heart, must digest and transmute the whole mass so as to eliminate every nutritive particle from it. The heart must always beat and keep the blood in constant circula-