Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/32

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N. Y., Funk & Wagnails, 1885 $1
A careful and thorough, though popular discussion of the principles underlying prayer as taught in scripture and sanctioned by reason.
N. Y., Crowell & Co., 1898 75c
Seventeen sermons of great strength and helpfulness.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897 $2
Not a formal biography, but presents very effectively those shining acts and experiences in the life of Jesus which most signalized the loftiness of his nature.
N. Y., Baker & Taylor, 1892 $1.25
N. Y., Boutledge & Sons, 1889 $1
N. Y., Randolph & Co., 1888 $1
The materials for this volume are found chiefly in the books of the Pentateuch.
N. Y., Putnam & Sons, 1894 $1.75
A critical analysis of the source of the gospels, together with a study of the sayings of Jesus.

N. Y., E. B. Treat, 1888 $1.75
Words of comfort for those in sickness, sorrow or the varied afflictions of life.
N. Y., Revell & Co., 1890 $1
Buy this book and keep it with your Bible for constant study, until you have thoroughly mastered, in your own experience, the " secret which tells."—N. Y. Evangelist.
Bost, Roberts Bros., 1886 $1
This little volume aims to make real to thought and affection the divine humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.