Page:Collected poems of Flecker.djvu/182

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At the Gate of the Sun, Bagdad, in olden time

The Merchants (together)

Away, for we are ready to a man!
   Our camels sniff the evening and are glad.
Lead on, O Master of the Caravan :
   Lead on the Merchant-Princes of Bagdad.

The Chief Draper

Have we not Indian carpets dark as wine,
   Turbans and sashes, gowns and bows and veils,
And broideries of intricate design,
   And printed hangings in enormous bales?

The Chief Grocer

We have rose-candy, we have spikenard,
   Mastic and terebinth and oil and spice,
And such sweet jams meticulously jarred
   As God's own Prophet eats in Paradise.