Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/707

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1910 Gilbert v. Workman Chancery J. Neville, Times Ja. 19, '10

Interpolation of song without consent o£ author of opera en- joined, 100

1910 Hein v. Harris U. S. C. C. J. Hand, 175 F. R. 87s

Musical copyright infringed by transposition, 170 Affirmed in same year by U. S. C. C. App.

1910 Larby v. Love King's Bench J. Bucknill, Copr. Cas. 'os-'io,

291 Upholds prohibition against underselling in bill of sale, 57

1910 Monckton v. Gramo- Chancery J. Joyce, Times D. 6, '10

phone Co.

Common law cannot protect after publication, 62 1910 Park & Pollard v. U. S. C. C. J. Philips, 181 F. R. 431

Kellers trass

Whole work enjoined where infringing parts were inseparable, 258 1910 Press Assoc, v. Re- Chancery J. Warrington, Times D. 8, '10

porting Agency

Election returns protected agdnst "unfair competition," 89 1910 Record & Guide Co. U. S. C. C. J. McPherson, 17s F. R. 156

». Bromley

Omission of date vitiates copyright notice though given on same page, 128; substitution of name in copyright notice without authority of law voids copyright, 136

1910 Rex II. Bokenham Cent. Crim. Ct. Com. Serj., Times Jl. 22,'io Piracy from surreptitiously obtained copies of poems punistied by imprisonment, 277

1910 Stern v. Remick U. S. C. C. J. Hand, 175 F. R. 282

Sale of single copy held to constitute publication, 127; use of

Roman for Arabic numerals in copyright notice immaterial, 130

1910 West Pub. Co. V. U. S. C. C. App. J. Ward, 176 F. R. 833

Thompson Co.

One copyright notice suffices to cover earlier copyrights of parts, 132; list made to run down cases permissible, but extensive copying from digest an infringement, 259

1910 White-Smith v. V. S. C. C. J. Brown, 180 F. R. 256


Renewal personal to author or heirs only, except possibly in case of work assigned before publication, 116

191 1 Copyright act i & 2 Geo. V c. 46 1911 Shepard v. Taylor U. S. C. C. J. Hazel, 185 F. R. 941

Common errors prima facie proof of infringement, 2SS 191 1 White w. Bender U. S. C. C. J.Ray, 185 F. R. 921

Citations may be utilized for verification, but bodily transfer is infringement, 257