Page:Copyright, Its History And Its Law (1912).djvu/729

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See also Adaptation, Arrangement, Dra- matico-musical, License, Mechanical, No- tation, Term, Transcription, etc.

Musical copr. Committees, 32, 196, 459.

Music sheet, see Sheet.

Name, author's right in, 98, 100, 333; P. 639;

as proof, 152, 200, 241, 319, 329, 333, 336,

378; E. § 6, 523; I. 617; P. 634, 639, 650;

in application, 420, 421, 437; R. § 29, 502;

§ 3O1 S°3; i° copr; notice, 105, 128, 129,

135. See also Application, Author, Evi- dence, Notice. Natal, 396. See also South African Union. National Assembly, French, 18, 114, 398. Nat. Tel. News Co. v. West Union Tel. Co.

(1902), 89. Nationality. See Foreign author. Residence. Negatives, 36, 123, 239, 240, 245, 247, 248,

393; E. § 35, 543; C. § 2, S56; § 31. S7o;

Au. § 13, 584. See also Photograph. Netherlands. See Holland. Nethersole v. Bell (1903), 174. Neufchitel, literary congress (1891), 209. Neufeld v. Chapman (1901), 448. New Brunswick, 383. New editions. See Editions, new. New Hampshire copr. legislation, 35, 39,

194. New Jersey copr. legislation, 35, 39, 194. New South Wales, excepted in Brit, treaty,

381. See also Australia. N. Y. Press Pub. Co. <-. Falk (1894), 238. N. Y. State legislation, 35, 39, 40, 194, 239;

copr. vested in, 98. New Zealand, 375, 382, 394; E. § 35, 543. Newbery's case (1774). See Hawkesworth

case, 81. Newfoundland, 119, 151, 152, 160, 168, 188-

90, 246, 321, 375, 382, 390; E. § 3S, S43;

laws, 456. News, 89, 103, 259, 264, 319, 328, 337, 406;

I. 613; P. 651. 5ee oZio Telegraph. Newspaper, 63, 87, 90, 131, 245, 266, 267,

279, 280,328,337; § s (b), 467; § 19, 473;

§ 31 (b), 479; R. § 6, 497; E. § IS, 527;

§ 3S, S'^S; C. § 14 (6), 564; § 22, 567, § 30, 569; Au. § 4, 581; I. 611; P. 651; reports, 68, 70, 91, 103, 183, 264, 376, 377; E. § 2,

S19; § 20, S33; C. § 4, SS8; P. 634, 639,

651. See News, Periodical, Photographs. Next of kin. See Heirs. Nicaragua, 112, 124, 198, 323, 332, 334, 336,

340, 422, 423, 643, 652. NichoUs V. Parker (1901), 236. Nicklin, Philip H., 344, 454. Nicols V. Pitman (1884), 254. Nigro, Joanes, 13. Nigrus, Peter, 10. Non-copyright matter, 63, 76, 81, 241, 255,

257, 261, 288, 433; E. § 2, 519- North Carolina copr. legislation, 35. Norway, 112, 124, 197, 200, 248, 316, 317,

321, 323. 33o> 340, 407-

Notation, musical, 43, 45, 164, 169, 170, 202, 217, 392; § I (e), 46s; Au. § 13, 584.

Notes by hearer, 90.

Notice copr., 36, 74, 121, 125, 126, 127-36, 150; § 9, 469; R. § 22, § 23, soo; § 26, soi; C. § 3 (2), SS7; artistic work, 225, 227, 230, 232, 23s, 242; collections, 81; date, 129; 133, 230; dramatic and musical works, 166; early, 19; false, 77, 134, 135, 142, 148, 276, 279, 280, 513; § 29, § 30, 478; Au. § ss, SQS; foreign works, 133, 146, iss, 366; form, 127, 131, 166, 225; § 18, 472; R. § 24, § 2S, soi; before 1909, 36, 37, 128; in British Em- pire, 150, 151, 373-97; in other countries, 400-29; interim works, 126, 135, 147, 148; § 9, 469; § 22, 474; R. § 26, soi; C. § 23, S68; name, 127, 129, 166; § 18, 472; R. § 24, § 25, 501; substitution of name, los, 13s; § 46, 483; R- § 43. 5°8; omission of, 118, 121, 130, 134, 146, 230, 234, 23s, 236, 2S3. § 20, 473; penalty for removal, 134, 276; § 29, 478; periodicals, 88, 130, 131, 319, 328, 400, 403; § 19, 473; 1. 612; posi- tion, 37, 130, 131, 132, 166; § 19, 473; C. § 3 (2), S77; pseudonymous work, R. § 24, soi; renewals, 118; separate volumes, 132; successive editions, 134; transla- tions, 78, 397.

Notice of authorization; Au. § 29, 588; of reproduction, 123; E. § 3, 520; of reserva- tion, 201, 313, 412; oral work, 29, 200, 264, 377, 397, 398-429; E. § 2 (i), 519; C. § 4, SS8; Au. § 33, S89; performance, 150, 182,