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Cephalic Waters, are Waters proper to firengthen and Comfort the Brain.— Such are thofe of Rofcrnary, Marjoram, Sage, Pyony, Bettony, Baum, K?c. See Cephalic.

Cbalybeat Water, is a Water wherein red-hot Steel has been quenched— It is aftringent, and good, like Ferruginous or Iron Waters, for Diarrha:as, igc. See Chaly beat, and Martial. ,

Cherry Water.— In a Quart of Water crufh half a pound of Cherries, with four or five Ounces of Sugar. Strain the whole thro' a Cloth, till it be very clear.

Cinnamon Water.— In a Quart of Water boil halt an Ounce of broken Cinnamon; and taking it off the Fire, add a quarter of a Pound of Sugar : Let it cool, and Oram it.— Or thus: Take a Pound of Cinnamon, three Pounds ot Role- Water, and as much White wine : bruife the Cinnamon, in- fufe i; fourteen Days, then diflil it.— The firfl Water that riles is the beft ; then the fecond ; then the third. See Cinnamon.

Clary Water, is compofed of Brandy, Sugar, and Cin- namon, with a little Ambergreafe diffolved in it.— It helps Digeftion, and is Cardiack.— This Water is render d either purgative or emetick, by adding Refills of Jallap and Scam- mony, or Crocus Metallorwii.—Some make Clary Water of Brandy, Juice of Cherries, Strawberries and Goofeberries, Sugar, Cloves, White Pepper, and Coriander-Seeds ; infu- fed, fuear'd, and ftrain'd. t

Clove Water, is prepared of Brandy, and Cloves bruis d therein, and diftill'd. See Clove.

Cordial or Cardiac Waters, are Waters proper to fireng- then, and comfort the Heart.— Such are thofe of Endive, Chicory, Bugiofs, Burridge, Marigolds, S?c. See Cardiac, and Cordial.

Cofntetic Waters, are Waters proper to cleanle.tmoothcn and beautify the Skin. See Cosmetic.

Fennel Water. — Infufe a Handful of Fennel in a Pint of cold Water, for an Hour or an Hour and an half : add three or four Ounces of Sugar. Strain it, and drink it.

Gentian Water. — Take four Pounds of Gentian Roots, either green or dry'd ; mince them fmall, infufe them in White- wine, or only fprinkle them therewith ; then diftil them, with the Addition of a little Centaury the leffer. See Gentian. .

It is frequently ufed as a Stomachic, and is alio com- mended for a Deteiger ; ferving in Dropfies, Jaundice, Ob- ftruftions of the Vifcera, &c.

Gum Water, is that made by letting Gum-Arabick, in- clos'd in a linen Rag, infufe in common Watcr.—'Yttc La- dies alfo make Water to gum their Hair, of Quince-Kernels fteep'd in Water. See Gvm.

Hepatic Waters, are thofe ufed to cleanfe, firengthen, and refrefh the Liver.— Such are thofe of Chicory, Capilla- ries, Purfiain, Agremony, Fumitory, iSc. See Hepatic.

Honey Water, is a Water prepar'd in Places where much Honey is made, by waffling out the Honey-Combs, and the Veffels they have been in, in common Water. — This gives it a Honey-Tafte, and it afterwards becomes very clear, and the People ufe it as their common Drink. See Honey.

Horfe-raddifi Water, Aqua Raphani, is prepar'd of the Juices of Scurvygrafs, Brook Lime, Water Creflcs, White- wine, Lemon-Juice. Bryony-Root, Horfe-raddifh, Winter's Bark' and Nutmeg, digefted and diftill'd— It is a good Diu- retic ; cleanfing, and removing Obftruffions of the Vifcera, promoting Pcrfpiration, &c.

Hungary Water, is a Liquor diflill'd in Sa/neo Marie, from Rofcmary-Flowers, and Spirit of Wine well reflify'd.

It has its Name from the wonderful Eft'efls it is faid to

have had on a Queen of Hungary, at the Age of 72 Years. — 'Tis good againft Faintings, Palfies, Lethargies, Apople- xies, and hyfierical Diforders. — There arc divers ways of preparing it. See Hungary.

Hyfieric Waters, are thofe proper to firengthen the Ma- trix, or Womb, and remedy the Diforders that befal it. — Such arc thofe of Bryony, Matricary or Motherwort, H) flop, Fennel, Baum, Mugwort, Smallagc, i£c. See Hysteric. Iced, or Frozen Waters, are certain agreeable and wholefom Waters, as OaageWater, or the like, artificially froze in Summer-time, particularly in hot Countries, to be ufed in Collations, ££;c. as Coolers.— The way of making 'em is thus : The Veffels containing the Liquors delign'd to be froze, are firfi fet in a Pail, in fuch manner as not to touch each other ; then cover'd up, and the void Space in the Pail fill'd with common Ice, beaten, and mix'd with Salt. — Eve- ry half Hour they clear our what Water the thawing Ice fends to the bottom of the Pail, by means of a Hole at bot- tom ; and at the fame time ftir up the Liquors with a Spoon, that 'they may freeze into Snow : For were they to fhoot in form of Ice, or Icicles, they would have no Tafte.— Then, covering the Veffels again, they fill up the Pail with more beaten Ice, and Salt, in lieu of that diffolved and evacuated. The more expeditious the Freezing is requir'd to be, the more Salt to be mix'd with the Ice. See Freezing.

lis/era/WiTEit, Aqua Imperialis, is a Water diftill'd from Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Citron-Bark, Cloves, Calamus Aromaticus, Santai, and divers other Simples, infus'd in White-wine and Baum-Water. — It is a pleafant Cordial-Dram, good againft Difeafes of the Brain, Stomach, and Womb.

Juniper Water, is a Compound Water, made of Brandy, and Juniper-Berries beaten therein, and diftill'd. See Bran- dy, and Geneva.

Lime Water, is common Water, wherein Quick-lime has been flak'd; and afterwards filter'd. See Lime.

Milk Water, Aqua Zafrtis, is prepared of Minr, Worm- wood, Carduus Benedictus, Goats-Rue, and Meadow-fwect, bruis'd, infufed in Milk, and drawn off by infufion. — It is held Alexipharmic and Cephalic.

Aqua Mirabilis, or tbe Wonderful Water, is prepared of Cloves, Galangals, Cubebs, Mace, Cardomums, Nut- meg, Ginger, and Spirit of Wine, digefted 2^. Hours, then diftill'd. It is a good and agreeable Cordial ; Carmina- tive, £i?c.

Nephritic Waters, are fuch as firengthen the Reins, and help 'em to difcharge by Urine any Impurities therein.

. Such are thofe of the Honeyfuckle, Pellltory, Raddiih,

Beans, Mallows, &c. See Nephritic.

The Nephritic Water of Dr. Radcliff, popularly called Dr. Radclijf's Water, is taken into the iaft Edition of the College Difpenfatory. It is prepar'd from the Kernels of Blackberries, Peaches, and Bitter Almonds, beaten in a Mortar into a Pafte, with Rhenifh Wine ; and Seeds of Smallage, Treacle, Muftard, Gromwel and Parfley, beaten likewife, and added thereto : To the Mixture are put Juni- per-Berries, Garlick, Onions, Leeks, Pimpernel, Horfe- raddifh, Calamus Aromaticus, Cinnamon, Wall-Rue, Mace, and Nutmegs : the whole macerated in Rhenifh, Spirit of Black Cherries, ££c. and thus diftill'd.— — It is one of the moft powerful Detergers and Cleanfcrs known 5 good in the Dropfy, Jaundice, Afthma, Pleurify, Sfc.

Ophthalmic, or Bye Waters, are fuch as are good in Diforders of the Eyes.- Such are thofe of Eyebright, Fen- nel, Vervain, Piantain, Celandine, Cyanus, $$c. See Oph- thalmic.

Orange-Flower W ater, is made of common Water, Su- gar, and Orange- Flowers, infufed for abour two Hours. ■

After the like manner, one may make Waters of divers other Flowers ; as Violets, Jonquils, ffejfamms, I'uberofes, &c.

"Peach Water, is made after the fame manner as Apri- cot Water 5 only with Peaches.

Phagedenic Water, is ~L\me-Water, to every Pound whereof is added twenty or thirty Grains of Corrofive Sub- limate, in Pouder. — It ferves to cleanfe old Ulcers, to eat off fungous Flefh, &c. See Phagedenic.

Plague Water, Aqua Epidemica, is prepar'd from the Roots of Mafterwort, Angelica, Pyony, and Butter-bur 5 Viper-Grafs, Virginia Snakcroor, Rue, Rofemary, Baum, Carduus, Water Germander, Marigolds, Dragons, Goats- Rue, and Mint; the whole infus'd in Spirit of Wine and diftill'd. — It is of frequent Ufe as an Alexipharmachic : It revives the Spirits, and promotes a Diaphorefis. It is the Bafis of moft Juleps now prefcrib'd, efpecially in reverifh Cafes.

Poppy Water, is prepared from the Flowers of wild Poppies, infus'd in White-wine, or Brandy, and drawn off in a cold Still, — It is a Cordial, good againft the Colic, and by fome call'd Red Plague-Water.

Pyony Water, is made of Pyony and Lime-Flowers, Lilly of the Valley ffeep'd in Canary, and diflill'd : To the Water thus procured, are added the Root of Male Pyony, White Dittany, Birthwort, Mifletoe, Rue, Caftor, Cubebs, Cinnamon, Betony, He. — It is a good Cordial, and much ufed in nervous Cafes.

Rofe Water.— Take of Rofes three Parts, and of Fennel and Rue each, one Part ; chop 'em fmall, and mix 'em well together ; then diftil 'em. — This Water is excellent for the Eyes, &c.

Scordium Water, is prepared from the Juices of Goats- Rue, Sorrel, Scordium, Citrons and Treacle, digefted and diftill'd. — It is an Alexipharmachic.

Second Water. See Secunda Aqua.

Specific Waters, are fuch as have fome peculiar Virtue, appropriate to certain Difeafes. — Thus Purfiain Water, where- in Mercury has been infufed, is a Specific againft Worms in young Children. See Specific

Splenetic Waters, are thofe proper againft Difeafes of the Spleen. — Such are thofe of the Tamaritk,Cufcuta,Hartf- tongue, Hops, Zyc. See Spleen.

Stephens's Water, Aqua Stephani. is made from Cin- namon, Ginger, Galangals, Clo«es, Nutmegs, Paradife Grains, Anis-feeds, Sweet Fennel, Cnrraway, Thyme, Mint, Sage, Pennyroyal, Pellitory, Rofemary, Red Rofes, Camo- mile, Origany and Lavender, fteep'd in Gafcoign Wine, or Spirit of Wine, diftill'd.— It is a good Cephalic and Cardiac, and is alfo reputed Hyfierical.
