Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/294

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Now, To -exjprefs any written Number, or aifgn the proper Value to each Charatler ; Divide the propofcd Number by Comma's into Gaffes, allowing three Characters in each Clafs j beginning at the right-hand. Over the right-hand Figure of the third Clafs, add a fmall Mark or tranfverfe Line; over the right-hand Figure of the fifth Clafs, add two Marks or tranfverfe Lines, over that of the feventhj three, i$c. The Number to the left of the firft Comma, exprels by Thoufands; that which has over it the fir ft tranverfe Line, exprefs by Millions; that with two, by Billions; that with three, by Trillions, ££e. Laftly,-the left-hand Chara&cr of each Clal?, exprels by Hundreds ; the middle one, by Tens; and the right-hand one, by U- nits. Thus will the Numeration be effected; The following Numbers^ 2"', 1 25, 473", #13, 578', 432,597. is thus expreis'd or read: Two Trillions* one hundred twenty Millions of Billions* four hundred feventy three Billions, fix hundred thirteen Thoufands of Millions, and five hundred feventy eight Millions, four hundred and thirty two thoufand, five Hundred and ninety feven.

NUMERATOR, in Arithmetic, aTermufed in fpeak- ing of Fractions. It fignifies the Number that denotes the Farts of the Integer, and is placed over the little Bar, which feparates it from the under Number, call'd tUsDencminator, which fhews into how many Tarts the Inreger is divided. See Denominator.

Thus, v.z. /s expreffes feven Tenths ; where 7 is the Numerator, and 10 the Denominator. See Fraction.

NUMERICAL, fomething that relates to Number.

Numerical Algebra, is that which makes ufe of Num- bers initead of Letters of the Alphahet. See Algebra.

Numerical Difference, is the difference whereby one Individual is diftinguifhed from another. See Indivi- dual.

Hence a thing is faid to be Numerically the fame, idem Nu- mero or nuwence, when it is the fame in the itricleflSenfe of the Word. See Unity and Identity.

Numero, in Commerce, &c. a Term prefixed to any dumber of things ; marked, or abbreviated thus, N e '

DeNuMERO, i.e. by Tale, is ufed in antient Authors for the payment, e,gr, of a Pound in a certain Number of Pieces, e. gr. 2oShillings; in eontradiftinfUon to a Libra fenja, or Found weighed cut. See Pound.

NUMISMATOGRAPHIA, a Greek Term ufed for the Defcription and Knowledge of antient Medals and Coins, whether of Gold, Silver, or Brats, See Medal and Coin,

Ftthius Urjintts, Augujiine Bifhop of Terracona, Erizzo a noble Venetian, and Sambucus a Yolijh Gentleman, have all beenfuccefsful in the Numifmatographia -. Normuft the more modern Authors on the fame Subjeft be omitted ; viz. the two Mezzabarba's, Pat in, Spanheim, Hardorht, Morel, Vail- lant, Robert, Baudelot, Beger, and among ourfelves, Evelyn.

NUMMUS, a Piece of antient "Raman Money ; whereof there were two Kinds : the one Gold, the other Silver. See Money.

The Gold Ni'.mmtis, call'd Stater and Aureus, weigh*d two Drachms, and was worth, according to Bud^us's Computa- tion, about 1 6 J. Sterling.

The Silver Ntimmtts was juft the Roman Denarius, which weigh'd one Drachm. See Coin.

The "3c-u)iJJj Nummus was their Shekel. See Shekel.

NUN, Nonne, an old Word, antiently ufed tor a Fe- male Religious ; and Hill retain'd in that fenfe in our Language ; and in other Languages, particularly the French ; but by way of Ridicule and Burlefque. See Religious.

Hence alfo Nunnery, a Monafiery of Female Religious. See Monastery.

The Word comes from Nonna, Nonnana, or Nonnanis ; all Latin Terms, firft ufed for Penitents, then for Reli- gious.

Borel derives it from Nontti, ar Nnn<e, which in Italian fignifies Grandfathers, or Grandmothers. And adds, that it was apply'd by way of Honour to the Woman, as that of Father to the Man, Religious. See Father.

NUNDINAL, a Name which the Romans gave to the eight firft Letters of the Alphabet, ufed in their Calendar. See Letter.

This Series of eight Letters, A, B,C, D,E, F, G,H, is placed and repeated fucceffively from the firft to the I aft Day of the Years one of thefe always exprefs'd the Mar- ket-Days, or the Affemblies call'd Nundin*, quaji Novendi- n*, becaufe they returned every nine Days.

The Country People, after working eight Days fucceffive- ly, came to Town the ninth, to fell their feveral Commo- dities, and to inform themfelves of what related to Reli- gion and Government.

Thus the Nundinal Day being under the Letter A, on the ift, 9th, 17th, and 25th Days of January, &c. the Letter D will be the Nundinal Letter of the Year following.

Thefe Nundinal* bear a good deal of refemblance to the Dominical Letters ; which return every eight Days, as the Nundinal* did every nine. See Dominical Letten

NUNTIO, Sn Ambaffador from the Pope, to fome Ca- tholic Prince or State ; or a Perfon who attends, en the Pope's behalf, at an Affembly of feveral Ambaffadors. Sec Embassador.

The Word Nunthh&s the fame Import with Embaffador* but is refirain'd in its Ufe to the Embaffadors of Popes a- lone; us that of Internum to is to his Envoy Extraordinary.

Bramom informs us, that when he firft came to Court,; tht Nuntio bad only the Title of Emlaffador.

The Nuntio has a Jurifdiclion, and may delegate Judges in all the States he tefidesi except in France^ where he has no Authority but that of a fimple Embaffador.

NUPER Obtit, in Law, a Writ which lies for a Co-heir* being deforced by her Co-partner, of Lands or Tenements, whereof their common Father or Ancestor died Feized in Fee Simple.

If the Anceftor died feiied in Fee Tall, the Co-heir de- forced mall have a Formedon. See Form ebon.

NUPTIAL, fomething that relates to Marriage. See Marriage.

NURSERY; in Gardening, is generally ufed in the fame fenfe as Seminary, viz. for a Seed-plot for the raifing of young Trees, or Plants. See Seminary.

Some Authors, however* make a difference between the two j holding Nurfcry, properly, not to be a place wherein Plants are fown ; bur a place for the reception and rearing of young Plants, which are removed, or tranfplanted hither from the Seminary, i£c.

"Mr. Lawrence recommends the having federal Nurf&riesi for the feveral Kinds of Trees : One for tall Standards 5 viz. Apples, Afhes, Elms, Limes, Oaks, Pears, Sycamores* £S?c. Another for Dzvarfs, viz. fuch as are intended for A- pricocks, Cherries, Peaches, Plumbs, g?e. And a third for Ever -Greens.

The Nurfery for Spaniards fhoutd be in a rich, light Soil 5 fown, with the proper Seeds, in Oftobcr, or November. For Apples and Pears, Crab- and Wild- fear Kernels, are to be preferred for Stocks : Elms and Limes are to be raifed from planted Suckers : Walnuts to be fown with the green Shell upon 'em, to preferve them from Mice. This Nurjhy t if it be well managed and Weeded for two Years, the Crabs and Pears will be fit for Grafting and Inoculating the third Year. See Orchard.

Firs and Pines are to be raifed froni thbfe little Seeds s taken out of their large Apples.

The Nurfery for Dwarfs does beft by itfelf, that it may not be over- top'd by taller Trees. Stones of Apricocks and Peaches are not proper to raife thofe Trees ; but in lieu thereof, tow rhe Stones of the Pear-Plumb, Muffel or Bo- num lAavnum Plumb 5 which prove better and mure lading than 'he former. For Stocks tor all forts of Cherries, black Chei-y-Stones do belf. See Stock.

Mr. "Mortimer direcls all Stone Fruit to be fown quickly after garnering ; for that if they be kept, they will be two Years e'er they come up. Add, that if they have not all the Mohlure of the Winter to rot the Shells, the Kernel will fcarce come up at all.

To furnifh the Nurfery of Ever -Greens, the feveral forts of Seeds or Berries, as Yew, Holly, Juniper, &c, are to be put in fo many dlftihft Pots or Boxes, with fine Mould o- ver them, and thus buried for a year; after which, they are to be taken out and fown.

If they were to be fown when gather'd like other Seeds* they would not come up the firfl year, nor grow fo kjnd-


NUSANCE, in Law, is ufed not only for a thing clone to the annoyance of another in his Fee Lands or Tene- ments ; but alfo the Affize or Writ lying for the fame.

The Writ of Nufance, de Nocumento, is either fimply de Nocume7ito, or de parvo Nocumento.

Manwoad makes three Kinds of Nufances in the Foreft 5 the firft, Common Nujance ; the fecond, Special Nufance 3 the; third, General Nufance.

Writs ofNtfajices are now popularly termM Trefpaffes, and Aclions upon the Cafe. See Trespass, £^c.

The Word is derived from the French N^tre, to hurt.

NUT, Nu% i a fort of Fruit, inclofed in a hard Cortex or Shell. See Fruit.

Of thefe we have divers Kinds; fmall Nuts, Filberds^ Chefnuts, Walnuts, &c. See Filberd and Nux.

NUTATION, in Aftronomy, a kind of Trepidatiofi, or tremulous Motion of the Axis of the Earth; whereby, in each annual Revolution, it is twice inclined to the E- cliptic ; and as often returns to its former Pofition. See Earth.

That the Moon has a like Motion, is fhewn by Sir If. Newton s in the firft Book of his Principia ; but he obferves withal, that this Motion mull be very fmall ; and fcarce fenfible. See Motion and Axis.

NUTMEG, a kind of Aromatic Nut, orSpice, brought from the Eafi Indies ; whereof there are two Kindsj Male and Female. See Spice.
