Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/773

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[ ii7]


SPURIOUS Difeafes, are fuchas in Tome Symptoms can- not be brought under any diflinct Head, and thereforeare call'd by the Name of fome, with which they mofl agree ; and hence, alfo, they are often denominated Baflards, Notfoi 5 as a fpurwts or bafard Pleurify y a baftard £>iimfy t and the like. See Pleurisy, (5c.

SPURIOUS Flefl, among Anatomifls, that which is of a Constitution quite different from all the reft ; as the FleJ/j of the Lips, Gums, Glans, &c. See Flesh, Gums, Glans,

SPXJRrWay t a Horfe-way through a Man's Grounds, through which one may ride, by Right of Cuflom.

SPUTUM, in Medicine, &c. tlie Spittle, or Excrement voided at the Mouth. See Saliva.

An Examen of the Sputum, is of great Conference in Phthifical Cafes $ and Bennet, in his Theatrum Tabidorum, applies hi mf elf in a particular Manner thereto. See Phthisis.

The Sputum Sanguinis* is a very dangerous Symptom in that Difeafe.

SPY, a Perfon paid to watch the Actions, Motions, &c. of another ; particularly as to what paffesinan Army.

When a Spy is found in a Camp, he is immediately hanged.

Wicquefort fays, an Embaflador is an Honourable Spy, under Protection of the Lawof Nations. See Embassador.

SQUADRON cf Ships, a Divifion, or Part, of a Fleet, commanded by a Vice or Rear Admiral, or fome other Com- mander or Commadore. See Fleet, Admiral, &C,

The Number of Ships in the Squadron is not fix'd : A {mall Number of Veffels, if they be in a Body, and have the fame Commander, may make a Squadroti.

If there be a great Number, they are ufually divided into Three Squadrons. And if the Squadrons be numerous, each Squadron is divided into Three Divifions.

The Word is form'd from the Italian Squadrons of the Latin, Squadro, ufed by Corruption for gHtadro : In regard, at firft, the Squadrons were always Square, and called alfo by the Latins, Agmina gHiadrata.

Squadron is alfo a Body of Horfe, whofe Number is not fixed ; but is ufually from One hundred to Two hundred Men, according to the General's Pleafure, the Strength of the Army, or as Occafion ferves.

It ufually confifts of Three Troops, each of Fifty Men, and it never exceeds Two hundred j becaufe a greater Number can't be advantageoufly pofted, nor have Room to aft in narrow Grounds, Woods,, Defiles, &C See Troop.

The Eldert Troop takes the Right of the Squadron, and the Second the Left, the Youngeft being in the Centre.

A Squadron is always drawn up Three deep, or in Three Ranks, with the Length of an Horfe between each Rank.

The Standard isalways in the Centre of the firft Rank.

SQUAMMOUS, in Anatomy, an Epithet given to the Spurious or falfe Sutures of the Skull 5 becaufe compofed of Sqitamm<e or Scales like thofe of Fifties, or like Tyles laid fo as to reach over one another. SeeSuTURE.

The SuniTce Squammofe, are alfo call'd T'emporales, from their terminating the Temples, or Offa Temporis

SQUARE, in Geometry, a quadrilateral Figure, both Equilateral and Equiangular. See Figure, Quadrilate- ral, Equiangular, l$c.

Tofvtidt-he Area of a Square : Seek the Length of one Side$ multiply this by itfelf j the Product is the Area of the Square,

Thus, if the Length of a Side be 345-, the Area will be 1 19025 : And if the Side of a Square be 10 5 the Area will be 100.

Since, then, a Decempeda contains 10 Feet, a Foot 10 Digits, l£c. a fquare Decempeda contains 100 fquare Fee^ a fquare Foot 1 00 fquare Digits, £$c.

tfhe 'Properties of a Square, are, that its Angles are all Right, and, confequently, its Sides Perpendicular ; that it is divided into two equal Parts, by a Diagonal 5 that the Dia- gonal of a Square^ is incommenfurable to the Side. See Diagonal, i$c.

For the Ratio of Squares ; they are to each other in a du- plicate Ratio of their Sides. £.gr. a Square whofe Side is double another, is quadruple the Square of the fingleSide.

Square of the Cube Square of" the Surdefolid

See Power.

Square Number, the Product of a Number multiplied oy itfelf: Thus 4, the Product of 2 multiplied by 2 ; or J 6 the Product of 4 multiplied by 4, are Square Numbers. Sec Number. ■

Such Number is called a Square Number, becaufe it may be ranged into the Form of a Square, by making the Root, or Factor the Side of the Square. See Root.

The Difference of Two Square Numbers, whofe Roots are not Unity, is an uneven Number, equal to double the Root of the lefs, increas'd by Unity.

Hence we have an eafy Method of conitrueting-S^^ Num- bers for a Number of Roots proceeding in the natural Series j

the double of the Root of the Antecedent increas'd by \jmt% being continually to be added to the preceding Square.

Thus it n—i 5 272+1=3: If «^ 2 5 tlien will 272-L i=.-$:If «=3 ; then will 272 +1=7: ltn~$ h then will 2«+i=9) & c - Thus by a continual Addition of the" uneven Numbers, arife the Square Numbers.

Square Root t a Number confider'd as the Root of a Second Power or Square Number 5 or a Number bv whofe Multiplication into itfelf, a Square Number is generated* See Root.

Thus the Number 2, being that by whofe Multiplication into itfelf, the Square Number 4 is produced ; is, in reflect hereuf, call'd aSqiiare Rout, or die Square Root c/4.

Since, as Unity is to the Square Root, fo is the Root to the Square Number 5 the Root is a mean Proportional be- tween Unity and the Square Number;

A Square Root confiding of 2 Parts, is call'd a Binomial $ as 20-I-4. See Binomial.

If it confifls of Three, a Trinomial^ as 6 -\- 2 ■** 1 . See Trinomial.

Now, every Square Number of a Binomial Root, is de- monstrated to be compounded of the Square of the firft Part, the Product of double the firft into the fecond, and of the Square of the other Part.

'To extratl the Square Root out of any given Number ; fee Extraction of Roots,

Sqjjare, is alfo an Inftrument made of Wood or Metal, ferving to defcribe and meafure Right Angles withal; fuclt is AEF, (Tab. Geometry Fig. 42.)-

It confifls of two Rules or Branches faflen'd perpendicularly at one of their Extremes. When the two Branches are move- able on a Joint, it is call'd a 'Bevel. See Bevel.

To examine whether or no a Square be exact, defcribe S Semi-circle AEF, of any Length, at Pleafure; and therein, from each Extreme of the Diameter A and F, draw Right Lines to a Point taken at Pleaiure in the Periphery, as E : To the Sides of the Angle AEF, apply the Square, fo as its Vertex may fall on F. If this be poffible, that Square is juft.

Geometrical Square, a Coirrpartiment frequently added oil the Face of the Quadrant, called aifo Line of Shadows and Quadrat. See Qu adr at.

Magic Squares. SeeMAGic Square.

Square Battle, or Battalion of Men, is one thathath an equal Number of Men in Rank and File. See Battalion.

To form any Number of Men into a Square Battle, as fup- pofe 500, extract thenearefl Square Root of 500, which is in Integers 22, and that will give the Number of Men for Rank and File. There will be a Remainder of \6 Men, who may be difpofed of, as the Commander thinks belt.

Square Hollow, or ho/low Square, in the Military Art; is a Body of Foot drawn up with an empty Space in the Middle, for the Colours, Drums and Baggage ; faced and "covered by the Pikes every way, to keep off Florfe.

SQUARING. See Quadrature.

SQUILLITIC. See Scillitic.


SQUINANCY or Efquinancy, by the Latins, $$c. call'd Angina, and by us, popularly guinzy, a Difeafe which flops the Freedom of Refpiration and Deglutition. See Respiration.

The Squinancy confifls in an Inflammation of the Throat * and particularly of the Mufcles of the Larynx or Pharynx, which exactly clofing the Chinks thereor, prevent the Air from paffing in and out of the Trachea, and the Food from being fwallowed and convey 'd into the Stomach.

The Squinancy is divided into true and JpuriouS ; the true Squinancy is always accompanied with a Fever ; the baflard or fpurious Squinancy is free from it.

They are caufed by a Defluxion of Blood, either pure or bilious, from the Branches of the Carotid Arteries; and there caufing a Phlegmon, either a Simple or an Erefypetalous one. See Angina.

The Word is form'd from the Greek awtLyx&v, to Suffocate.

The Squinancy is of all others the moll dangerous, when the Tumour is neither perceivable on the inflde nor the out. That appearing on the outfide is the mofl curable. In violent Squinancies, recourse fliould be had to Laryngotomy or Bronchotomy, which though rarely practiced, may yet be ufed with Safety. SccLaryngotomy, $£c.

SQUINTING. See Strabismus.

ST, an indeclinable Term, chiefly ufed to command Silence, See Silence.

The Romamhad thefe two Characters wrote over the Doors of their Eating Rooms, as who fliould fay Sed tace, or Sikn- tium tene.

'Porphyry obferves, the Ancients made a Point of Religion of it, not to fpeak a fingle Word in paffing in or out of the Doors.

ST. \BLE- Stand, in the Forcft Law, is when a Perfon Is

found at his Stood in the Forefl, with a Crofs-Bow, or Long-

Bow, ready to flioot at a Deer, or elfe flanding clo^e by a

Tree with Grey-hounds reacty to flip: It is one of the Four

[ G g ] Evidences