Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/315

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of its own. These stones were hundreds of bundles of years since they stopped being common stones. For warrior’s generations and through hundreds of years, DAANY BEÉDXE had been a bridge between heaven and earth, between what is known and the immeasurable, between the divine and sacred.

Night Eagle understood, why, common men were never allowed to climb the Jaguar Sacred Mountain. Simply the stones energy would have done much damage to any mortal, who got near them.

The new day was clear and transparent; from the Jaguar Sacred Mountain the wide and deep valley crowned by mountains could be clearly seen.

Night Eagle was called by his teacher, who was waiting in the north plaza.

Star serpent was sitting on a petate in the center of the small central plinth.

—We have to talk Night Eagle —said the Teacher—. Today you are a man and have dedicated your whole life to the knowledge of the secrets of the old Toltec grandparents; since you were a child the power pointed you out and you've scrupulously complied with your responsibility.

Now you're one of us and your destiny is totally attached to this mountain.

As you know, everything in the universe is cyclic, composed of complementary pairs. And so, as is the day is the night, just as it is cold, it is hot, so then, immaculate warrior, you should know that the time of the Feathered Serpent is finished over the land.

Light begins to be defeated by the dark and we have to leave again to the region of the mystery.