Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/383

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being understood as his farewell visit. There was a numerous party, much speechifying, and some scenes.

Saturday.—Mr. Peel came here to-day. The first piece of news he gave was that Mr. Brockman has returned from India at last, after twelve months' absence, he only expecting to have been away for three months. We were beginning to be uneasy about it. I go to Perth to-morrow to be present at a sermon preached by Mr. Mitchell for the mission.

Sunday.—This has not been to me a day of rest. I rode to Perth in the morning, when Mr. Mitchell preached, and a collection was made in aid of the mission. Major Irwin and myself held the plates at the door—rather a begging-looking sort of business. The amount obtained was no great sum—£11; but we are to have a meeting on Wednesday to form an auxiliary society. The Governor is to take the chair. I dare say we shall get other subscriptions then.

Nov 8th.—On reaching Perth on Tuesday, I found that another vessel had arrived from Sydney with a general cargo, which will make our markets moderate again. We have had this morning very heavy and long-continued rain—a thing rather unusual at this time of the year. I fear it is too late to benefit the crops at York, which have suffered from drought. Mr. Brockman had an auction to-day of some of the goods from the ship; the prices were not so low as we thought. I bought £9 or £10 worth, and know not what I have got for it. Tea, brought straight from India, was bought in by Mr. Brockman at 5s. per lb. I bought a bag of sugar at 3d. a lb.; candles, floor matting, window blinds, rope, twine, castor oil, and pepper are among the other things which I bought. The charge made to me this year for washing and shearing my flock near York is £13 15s., besides expense of two men and four bullocks and the cart for sixteen days.

Monday.—Mr. Mitchell was here yesterday. We had a good congregation. I have this day made arrangements with two men to let my farm at Jilgaring, near York; to one of