Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/494

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Jerung—(K.G.S) Grease; fat; handsome.

Jetta, s.—The root of a species of rush, eaten by the natives, in season in June. It somewhat resembles a grain of Indian corn, both in appearance and taste.

Jettyl, s.—A grasshopper. The insect is very numerous, and multiplies rapidly. It has been observed that in districts where the vegetation has not been burned for some years, they increase so much, as to threaten serious mischief to the pastures.

Jida, s.—Acanthiza chrysorrhœa. Brown-tailed wren. General name for a small bird.

Jid-amy-a, s.—Bird's nest.

Jidi, s.—A shower.

Jidyt, a.—Innocent. Not implicated in the quarrel between two parties, though related to both. Neutral.

Jija, s.—(Vasse dialect) The ear.

Jil—The adjective superlative termination; as Gwabbajil; very good.

Jilba, s.—The spring; August and September. Djubăk is now in season. It precedes Kambarang, and is followed by Măgguru. See Burnuro.

Jilba, s.—Vegetation. Any vegetables not eaten by the aborigines.

Jili, s.—Outer pinion of a wing.

Jillap, a.—Sharp; having a fine point; as Gidji Jallap, a spear sharp pointed.

Jillijilli, s.—Accipiter torquatus, sparrow-hawk.

Jilli-mil-yan, s.—Ardea, green-backed crane.

Jil-ying—(K.G.S.) Emu feathers worn as an ornament.

Jin, c.—As; like.

Jinarărra, s.—A lizard.

Jinatong, s.—Young grass.

Jindam, s.—The eldest sister.

Jindăng, s.—The name of a star.

Jindi, s.—A fog; mist; dew.

Jindo, a.—Mel Jindo, sharp-eyed.

Jingala, s.—Long ornamented sticks worn in the hair of the performers at the Yallor or native dance. Hence this word has become to mean Horns.

Jingălagadăk, s.—A cow; literally, the horn-possessor.

Jingan, v.—To scrape in order to sharpen a spear, &c.

Jinin, s.—(K.G.S.) A species of sword fish.

Jinna, s.—The foot.

Jinnagur, s.—The toes.

Jinnagabbarn, s.—Sole of the foot.

Jinnamamman, s.—The great toe; literally, the father of the foot.

Jinnang-ak, s.—A traveller.