Page:Diary of ten years.djvu/499

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Kardagor, prep.—Between; amongst.

Kardagut, s.—(K.G.S.) A species of ant.

Kărdang, s — Younger brother; third son; also third finger.

Kardar, s.—A large black lizard.

Kardara, s.—Long-tailed tree Iguana.

Kardatakkan, v.—Compounded of Karda, part; and Takkan to break. To break in two; to break off; to break in pieces.

Kardidi, a.—Thin; small.

Kardijit, s.—A brother; neither the eldest nor the youngest. Derived, most likely, from Karda, the half, and therefore the middle; and Ijow, to put. The second son, also the middle finger.

Kardil, s.—One of the trees from the wood of which the shields are made.

Kardo, s.—A married or betrothed person, whether male or female; husband or wife.

Kardobarrang, v.—(Compounded of Kardo, a wife; and Barrang, to take.) To marry; to take a wife. The law with regard to marriage is, that a man can never have as his wife a woman of the same family name as himself, as a Ballărok a Ballărok, or a Dtondarăp a Dtondarăp. A man's wives consist either of the females who have been betrothed to him from their birth; those whom he has inherited from a deceased brother, or those whom he has run away with; but the rule as regards the family in each case remains the same.

Karduk, s.—(K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Kardura, s.—Two; a pair.

Kargyl-ya, a.—Clean.

Kargyl-yărăn, v.—Pres. part., Kargyl-yărănin; past tense, Kargyl-yărănaga. To clean.

Kargyu, s.—Ieracidea Berigora. Lizard-eating hawk.

Karing, s.—The south-west wind; generally bringing fine weather in that locality.

Karjăt, v.—Pres. part., Karjatin; past tense, Karjatăgga. To cut.

Karnayul, aff. part.—(Upper Swan dialect.) It is true; it is a fact.

Kărnbarrougin, part.—Belching; eructating.

Karne, a.—(K.G.S.) Weak; foolish.

Karra, s.—Conduct; manner; behaviour.

Karrakaraa, or Karrawa—An exclamation of approbation. That is it; that will do, &c.

Karradjul, a.—Troublesome; tiresome. (From Karra, behaviour, and Djul, bad.)

Karragwabba, a.—Civil; well-behaved.

Karh-rh, s.—A tuberose root, like several small potatoes. It belongs to the Orchis tribe.

Karri, s.—A crab.