Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/244

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supporting-plane s3'po:z-tirj,p3Leen n. a. plane or aeroplane

designed to support an aerial machine of any kind. supporting-power s9'pD:z-tirj,pau-9z n. power to support or uphold in the air; capacity to sustain in the atmosfere; ability to keep or prevent from falling.

supporting-reaction S3'po:z-tirj-zi,aek$3n n. a reaction which tends toward, or effects, support; sustaining?reac- tion ; supporting:?ef f ect.

supporting-rope S9'po:z-tin,zoop n. one of the ropes which support the basket or car of a balloon, or connect it -with the gasbag above.

supporting-surface s3'po:z-tin,sBzfis n. a surface which supports, upholds, or sustains something in the air; a sus- taining^surface.

surf ss:zf n. the disturbd portion of the air or atmosfere next the surface of the earth, likend to that of the sea as its waves break upon the shore.

surface 'sBzfis n. the bounding or limiting parts of a bedy; the parts of a body which are next to the air; the superficies; the outside.

advancing surface, a surface or aerofoil which advances or precedes another, as the front sustaining^surface of a tandem monoplane : the epposit of following surface.

alternating surface, a surface which is alternated or moved back and forth, up and down, or from side to side; a surface or plane having a reciprocating motion.

following surface, a surface or aerofoil which fellows or comes after another, as the rear sustaining^surface of a tandem monoplane : the epposit of advancing surface.

land surface, the surface of the land or ground, compare landfsurface and water surface.

main surface, one of the principal supporting^surfaces, as in an aeroplane f lying^machine ; a main^plane.

streamline surface, the surface of a streamline bedy. supplementary surface, a relativly small surface or aero- foil which is supplementary to the main surfaces of a fly- ing^machine, as an aileren or rudder; an auxiliary plane.

surface in presentation, the surface which an aerofoil' presents to an opposing or sustaining fluid, as the atmos- fere.

water surface, the surface of the water, as of a lake, river, or sea. compare waterfsurface and land surface. surface-wind 'sBzfis,wind n. a wind near or next the sur- face of the earth; a ground^current.

surfacing 'sBzfi-sirj n. the mode of application of the sur- face fabric to a wing or aerofoil.

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