Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/87

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cloud-touching 'ki,aod,tAt$irj adj. touching or reaching up

to the clouds. cloud-tree 'ktaod,tii n. a cloud which resembles a in

form; a t^ee^shaped cloud. cloud- triangulation 'ktaud-tsai-aerjgjo^ee-Ssn n. the mes-

urement of the sizes and altitudes of clouds by tjiangula-

tion. cloud-type 'ktaud^aip n. a type or typical form or kind of


cloud- wall / kz.aud / wc:l n. a wall or bank of cloud. cloudward 'ki,aud-w3zd adv. toward the clouds; cloudwards. cloudwards 'ktaod-wazdz adv. towards the clouds. cloud-wave 'kz.aud/weev n. a wave^like mass of cloud; a

cloud^billow. cloud-way 'kz,aud,wee n. the way or road thru or upon the

clouds; the sky^road.

cloud-work 'ki,aud,wB:zk n. work or research in obser- vation of the clouds. cloud-world 'kzxiod/wBizld . the world, region, or relm of

the clouds; cloudland. cloud-woven 'ktaod,woo-v3n adj. woven out of cloud or

clouds; like a fabric or network of clouds. cloud-wrack 'kz,aud,zsek . see cloudtrack. cloud- wrapt 'kz.aod^sept adj. wrapt or envelopt in cloud;

cloud^coverd. cloudy 'ktao-di adj.

1. of cloud ; of the nature of cloud : as, *cloudy vapor, a

  • cloudy particle, *cloudy condensation.

2. ef or pertaining to the clouds.

3. characterized by the presence of clouds; abounding in or foil of clouds; also, net transparent, net clear.

cloudy day, a day in which clouds prevail; specifically, a day in which the average cloudiness between sunrise and sunset equals 8 on a cloud^scale of 10.

cloudy-topped ',tept adj. [also spelt cloudyftopt] having a cloudy tep or summit; cloud^tept.

coal-gas 'koo^gaes n. a mixture of gases produced by the destsuctiv distillation of coal, consisting mainly of carbu- reted hydrogen, and, when somewhat purified, constituting the common gas used for lighting and heating, and for in- flating balloons; illuminating^gas ; burning^gas; inflating* gas.

co-altitude ,ko'3ehi,tc,ud n. the compliment of the altitude of an object in the sky or hevens; the zenith-distance.

coast koost n. the edge or margin of the land next the sea; the seashore; the seacoast; the seaside.

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