Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/88

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coast koost intr. descend, glide, or slide down thru the air, as

if en an inclined plane; volplane downward. coast-defense 'koost-di,fens n. a defense or fortification

on the coast, designed to prevent foren men^of^war from

entering harbors, destroying cities, etc. coast-wind 'koos^wmd n. a wind which blows along or

over a coast, or is due to the presence of a coast; any

wind which is characteristic of, or which persists in, the

coastal region of a continent; a coastal wind. coating-material 'koo-tirj-m9,ti:-zi-3l . a varnish or other

material for coating or gassproofing balloon^envelops. co-aviator ,ko'ee-vi,et3z n. [also spelt coaviator] an aviator

who acts jointly with another or others. coefficient ,ko-i'fi$3nt n. a numerical quantity, constant

for a given substance or structure, used to mesure some

one of its properties.

coefficient of efficiency, the coefficient of carrying:? or

sustainmg^power possest by an aeroplane or other aerofeil

in flight under given conditions.

coefficient of slip, the coefficient or numerical constant

used as a mesure of propeller^shp. see slip. coleopter ,kli'0pt3z n. any one of the celeoptera; a sheathe

wingd insect; a celeepteron; a beetle. coleoptera / keli / ept3-?3 n. pi. [singular coleopteron] the

sheath^wingd insects; the beetles. coleopterous ,keli'ept3-3s adj. of the celeeptera or beetles;

having elytra. collapse ko'laeps v.

1. intr. fall together or into a flattend form or irregular mass, as an inflated balloon by escape of gas; cave in; fall in ; go to pieces ; break down or go to smash.

2. tr. cause to fall together or flatten out, as a balloon, by deflation.

collapsible ka'laepsa-bal adj [also spelt collapsable'] capable of collapsing or being collapst or folded; also, that can be kneckt down and packt in small space, as for shipment: as, a *collapsible f lying^machine ; a *collapsible propeller.

collision ka'hsan n. the action of colliding or forcibly stjik- ing or dashing together; a violent encounter of a moving body with another.

coma 'koo-niD n. a state of hevy, deep, prolonged sleep with slow, stertorous, irregular breathing, often experienced by persons in balloons at great altitudes; stupor; lethargy.

comatose 'koo-m9,tos adj. affected with coma; in a state of coma; also, of, pertaining to, or of the nature of coma.

comet 'komit n. a celestial body moving about the sun in

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