Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/208

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  •  dull Tenía un dolor sordo en el pecho. He had a dull pain in his chest.
     hacerse el sordo to turn a deaf ear Se hizo el sordo a mis peticiones. He turned a deaf ear to my pleas.
  • sordomudo deaf and dumb.  [n] deaf-mute.
  • soroche [m] altitude sickness, mountain sickness [Am].
  • sorprendente surprising.
  • sorprender to surprise Le soprendió aquella noticia. That news surprised him.  to catch Su madre le sorprendió robando. His mother caught him stealing.
     sorprenderse to be surprised No se sorprenda Ud. por eso. Don't be surprised by that.
  • sorpresa surprise ¡Qué sorpresa tan agradable el verle! What a pleasant surprise to see you!
     de sorpresa by surprise Me ha cogido de sorpresa esa noticia. That news took me by surprise.  por sorpresa by surprise Los detuvieron por sopresa. They arrested them by surprise.
  • sortear to raffle off, draw lots for Sortearon un reloj. They raffled off a watch.  to elude, dodge El torero sortea hábilmente al toro. The bullfighter dodges the bull skillfully.
  • sortija ring (circular object).
  • sosegarse [rad-ch I] to compose oneself, calm down Cuando Ud. se sosiegue, hablaremos. When you calm down, we'll talk.
  • sosiego peace, tranquillity.
  • soso tasteless Estas legumbres están muy sosas. These vegetables are tasteless.  insipid ¡Qué persona más sosa! What an insipid person!
  • sospecha suspicion.
  • sospechar to suspect Sospecho que este trabajo no está bien hecho. I suspect that this work isn't well done.
  • sospechoso suspicious.
  • sostener [irr] to hold Sostenía la botella en la mano. He held the bottle in his hand.  to maintain, stick to Lo digo y lo sostengo. I say it and I stick to it.  to support Con su trabajo sostenía a su familia. He supported his family by working.
     sostenerse to support oneself, stand (up) Estaba tan borracho que no podía sostenerse. He was so drunk he couldn't stand up.
  • sótano basement.
  • su; pl sus your, his, her, its, their Su pluma. Your pen, his pen, etc.—Sus plumas. Your pens, his pens, etc.
  • suave delicate, soft, gentle, light El dentista tenía la mano muy suave. The dentist had a very light hand.  smooth Es una tela muy suave. It's a very smooth cloth.  gentle Soplaba un viento suave.  very gentle breeze was blowing.  mellow, mild Este vino es muy suave. This wine's very mellow.  meek, docile Este niño tiene un carácter muy suave. This child's very meek.
  • suavizar to soften.
  • subalterno [adj; n] subordinate.
  • subasta auction.
  • subido (see subir) high, bright Es una corbata de color subido. It's a brightcolored tie.
  • subir to go up Voy a subir por mi abrigo. I'm going up for my coat.  to bring up Súbame Ud. el baúl. Bring up my trunk.  to put on, set on El mozo le subirá la maleta al tren. The porter will put your suitcase on the train.  to put up, lift up Suba Ud. el niño a la silla. Lift the child up on the chair.  to raise Tendrá Ud. que subir un poco la voz, es muy sordo. You'll have to raise your voice a little; he's very deaf.  to add up, amount, come ¿A cuánto sube la cuenta? How much does the bill come to?  to go up, rise, increase Los precios han subido mucho. Prices have gone up a lot.—Le subió la temperatura. His temperature rose.  to rise, ascend El globo subió hasta diez mil pies. The balloon rose to ten thousand feet.  to rise, advance Ha subido muy de prisa ese muchacho. That boy's advanced very rapidly.
     subírsele a uno a la cabeza to go to one's head Se le ha subido a la cabeza su popularidad. His popularity's gone to his head.
  • su(b)scribirse to subscribe ¿Quiere Ud. subscribirse a esta revista? Do you want to subscribe to this magazine?
  • su(b)scripción [f] subscription.
  • su(b)stitución [f] substitution.
  • su(b)stituir to replace.
  • su(b)stituto, su(b)stituta substitute.
  • subterráneo subway [Am].
  • suceder to succeed Se cree que su hijo le sucederá. It's thought that his son'll succeed him.  to happen Sucedió algo que nadie se explica. Something happened that can't be explained.
     suceda lo que suceda come what may Suceda lo que suceda, yo estaré aquí. Come what may, I'll be here.
  • sucesivo consecutive, successive.