Page:EB1911 - Volume 06.djvu/912

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Ann. 103, p. 88), Hittorf (Pogg. Ann. 136, p. 213), Crookes (Phil. Trans., 1879, pt. 1, p. 557), and Schuster (Proc. Roy. Soc. 47, p. 526). The deflection is the same as that of negatively electrified particles travelling along the path of the rays. Such particles would in a magnetic field be acted on by a force at right angles to the direction of motion of the particle and also to the magnetic force, the magnitude of the force being proportional to the product of the velocity of the particle, the magnetic force, and the sine of the angle between these vectors. In this case we have seen that if the particle is not acted on by an electrostatic field, the path in a uniform magnetic field is a spiral, which, if the magnetic force is at right angles to the direction of projection of the particle, becomes a circle in the plane at right angles to the magnetic force, the radius being mv/He, where m, v, e are respectively the mass, velocity and charge on the particle, and H is the magnetic force. The smaller the difference of potential between the electrodes of the discharge tube the greater the deflection produced by a magnetic field of given strength, and as the difference of potential rapidly increases with diminution of pressure, after a certain pressure has been passed, the higher the exhaustion of the tube the less the magnetic deflection of the rays. Birkeland (Comptes rendus, 1896, p. 492) has shown that when the discharge is from an induction coil the cathode rays produced in the tube at any one time are not equally deflected by a magnet, but that a narrow patch of phosphorescence when deflected by a magnet is split up into several distinct patches, giving rise to what Birkeland calls the “magnetic spectrum.” Strutt (Phil. Mag. 48, p. 478) has shown that this magnetic spectrum does not occur if the discharge of a large number of cells is employed instead of the coil. Thomson (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 9, p. 243) has shown that if the potential difference between the electrodes is kept the same the magnetic deflection is independent of the nature of the gas filling the discharge tube; this was tested with gases so different as air, hydrogen, carbonic acid and methyl iodide.

Charge of Negative Electricity carried by the Rays.—We have seen that the rays are deflected by a magnet, as if they were particles charged with negative electricity. Perrin (Comptes rendus, 121, p. 1130) showed by direct experiment that a stream of negative electricity is associated with the rays. A modification made by Thomson of Perrin’s experiment is sketched in fig. 24 (Phil. Mag. 48, p. 478).

Fig. 24.

The rays start from the cathode A, and pass through a slit in a solid brass rod B fitting tightly into the neck of the tube. This rod is connected with earth and used as the anode. The rays after passing through the slit travel through the vessel C. D and E are two insulated metal cylinders insulated from each other, and each having a slit cut in its face so as to enable the rays to pass into the inside of the inner cylinder, which is connected with an electrometer, the outer cylinder being connected with the earth. The two cylinders are placed on the far side of the vessel, but out of the direct line of fire of the rays. When the rays go straight through the slit there is only a very small negative charge communicated to the inner cylinder, but when they are deflected by a magnet so that the phosphorescent patch falls on the slit in the outer cylinder the inner cylinder receives a very large negative charge, the increase coinciding very sharply with the appearance of the phosphorescent patch on the slit. When the patch is so much deflected by the magnet that it falls below the slit, the negative charge in the cylinder again disappears. This experiment shows that the cathode rays are accompanied by a stream of negative electrification. The same apparatus can be used to show that the passage of cathode rays through a gas makes it a conductor of electricity. For if the induction coil is kept running and a stream of the rays kept steadily going into the inner cylinder, the potential of the inner cylinder reaches a definite negative value below which it does not fall, however long the rays may be kept going. The cylinder reaches a steady state in which the gain of negative electricity from the cathode rays is equal to the loss by leakage through the conducting gas, the conductivity being produced by the passage of the rays through it. If the inner cylinder is charged up initially with a greater negative charge than corresponds to the steady state, on turning the rays on to the cylinder the negative charge will decrease and not increase until it reaches the steady state. The conductivity produced by the passage of cathode rays through a gas diminishes rapidly with the pressure. When rays pass through a gas at a low pressure, they are deflected by an electric field; when the pressure of the gas is higher the conductivity it acquires when the cathode rays pass through it is so large that the potential gradient cannot reach a sufficiently high value to produce an appreciable deflection.

Thus the cathode rays carry a charge of negative electricity; the experiment described on page 875 (fig. 13) shows that they are deflected by an electric field as if they were negatively electrified, and are acted on by a magnetic force in just the way this force would act on a negatively electrified body moving along the path of the rays. There is therefore every reason for believing that they are charges of negative electricity in rapid motion. By measuring the deflection produced by magnetic and electric fields we can determine the velocity with which these particles moved and the ratio of the mass of the particle to the charge carried by it.

We may conclude from the experiments that the value of m/e for the particles constituting the cathode rays is of the order 1/1.7✕107, and we have seen that m/e has the same value in all the other cases of negative ions in a gas at low pressure for which it has been measured—viz. for the ions produced when ultra-violet light falls on a metal plate, or when an incandescent carbon filament is surrounded by a gas at a low pressure, and for the β particles given out by radio-active bodies. We have also seen that the value of the charge on the gaseous ion, in all cases in which it has been measured—viz. the ions produced by Röntgen and uranium radiation, by ultra-violet light, and by the discharge of electrification from a point—is the same in magnitude as the charge carried by the hydrogen atom in the electrolysis of solutions. The mass of the hydrogen alone is, however, 10−4 times this charge, while the mass of the carriers of negative electrification is only 1/1.7✕107 times the charge; hence the mass of the carriers of the negative electrification is only 1/1700 of the mass of the hydrogen atom. We are thus, by the study of the electric discharge, forced to recognize the existence of masses very much smaller than the smallest mass hitherto recognized.

Direct determinations of the velocity of the cathode rays have been made by J. J. Thomson (Phil. Mag. 38, p. 358), who measured the interval between the appearance of phosphorescence on two pieces of glass placed at a known distance apart, and by Maiorana (Nuovo Cimento, 4, 6, p. 336) and Battelli and Stefanini (Phys. Zeit. 1, p. 51), who measured the interval between the arrival of the negative charge carried by the rays at two places separated by a known distance. The values of the velocity got in this way are much smaller than the values got by the indirect methods previously described: thus J. J. Thomson at a fairly high pressure found the velocity to be 2✕107 cm./sec. Maiorana found values ranging between 107 and 6✕107 cm./sec, and Battelli and Stefanini values ranging from 6✕106 to 1.2✕107. In these methods it is very difficult to eliminate the effect of the interval which elapses between the arrival of the rays and the attainment by the means of detection, such as the phosphorescence of the glass or the deflection of the electrometer, of sufficient intensity to affect the senses.

Transmission of Cathode Rays through SolidsLenard Rays.—It was for a long time believed that all solids were absolutely opaque to these rays, as Crookes and Goldstein had proved that very thin glass, and even a film of collodion, cast intensely black shadows. Hertz (Wied. Ann. 45, p. 28), however, showed that behind a piece of gold-leaf or aluminium foil an appreciable amount of phosphorescence occurred on the glass, and that the phosphorescence moved when a magnet was brought near. A most important advance was next made by Lenard (Wied. Ann. 51, p. 225), who got the cathode rays to pass from the inside of a discharge tube to the air outside. For this purpose he used a tube like that shown in fig. 25. The cathode K is an aluminium disc 1.2 cm. in diameter fastened to a stiff wire, which is surrounded by a glass tube. The anode A is a brass strip partly