Page:EB1911 - Volume 06.djvu/915

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the present article is to describe more recent work, and to discuss experimental difficulties and methods of measurement.

1. Mechanism of Conduction.—Conduction of heat implies transmission by contact from one body to another or between contiguous particles of the same body, but does not include transference of heat by the motion of masses or streams of matter from one place to another. This is termed convection, and is most important in the case of liquids and gases owing to their mobility. Conduction, however, is generally understood to include diffusion of heat in fluids due to the agitation of the ultimate molecules, which is really molecular convection. It also includes diffusion of heat by internal radiation, which must occur in transparent substances. In measuring conduction of heat in fluids, it is possible to some extent to eliminate the effects of molar convection or mixing, but it would not be possible to distinguish between diffusion, or internal radiation, and conduction. Some writers have supposed that the ultimate atoms are conductors, and that heat is transferred through them when they are in contact. This, however, is merely transferring the properties of matter in bulk to its molecules. It is much more probable that heat is really the kinetic energy of motion of the molecules, and is passed on from one to another by collisions. Further, if we adopt W. Weber’s hypothesis of electric atoms, capable of diffusing through metallic bodies and conductors of electricity, but capable of vibration only in non-conductors, it is possible that the ultimate mechanism of conduction may be reduced in all cases to that of diffusion in metallic bodies or internal radiation in dielectrics. The high conductivity of metals is then explained by the small mass and high velocity of diffusion of these electric atoms. Assuming the kinetic energy of an electric atom at any temperature to be equal to that of a gaseous molecule, its velocity, on Sir J. J. Thomson’s estimate of the mass, must be upwards of forty times that of the hydrogen molecule.

2. Law of Conduction.—The experimental law of conduction, which forms the basis of the mathematical theory, was established in a qualitative manner by Fourier and the early experimentalists. Although it is seldom explicitly stated as an experimental law, it should really be regarded in this light, and may be briefly worded as follows: “The rate of transmission of heat by conduction is proportional to the temperature gradient.

The “rate of transmission of heat” is here understood to mean the quantity of heat transferred in unit time through unit area of cross-section of the substance, the unit area being taken perpendicular to the lines of flow. It is clear that the quantity transferred in any case must be jointly proportional to the area and the time. The “gradient of temperature” is the fall of temperature in degrees per unit length along the lines of flow. The thermal conductivity of the substance is the constant ratio of the rate of transmission to the temperature gradient. To take the simple case of the “wall” or flat plate considered by Fourier for the definition of thermal conductivity, suppose that a quantity of heat Q passes in the time T through an area A of a plate of conductivity 𝑘 and thickness 𝑥, the sides of which are constantly maintained at temperatures θ′ and θ″. The rate of transmission of heat is Q/AT, and the temperature gradient, supposed uniform, is (θ′−θ″)/𝑥, so that the law of conduction leads at once to the equation

Q/AT=𝑘(θ′ −θ″)/𝑥=𝑘𝑑θ/𝑑𝑥.  (1)

This relation applies accurately to the case of the steady flow of heat in parallel straight lines through a homogeneous and isotropic solid, the isothermal surfaces, or surfaces of equal temperature, being planes perpendicular to the lines of flow. If the flow is steady, and the temperature of each point of the body invariable, the rate of transmission must be everywhere the same. If the gradient is not uniform, its value may be denoted by 𝑑θ/𝑑𝑥. In the steady state, the product 𝑘𝑑θ/𝑑𝑥 must be constant, or the gradient must vary inversely as the conductivity, if the latter is a function of θ or 𝑥. One of the simplest illustrations of the rectilinear flow of heat is the steady outflow through the upper strata of the earth’s crust, which may be considered practically plane in this connexion. This outflow of heat necessitates a rise of temperature with increase of depth. The corresponding gradient is of the order of 1° C. in 100 ft., but varies inversely with the conductivity of the strata at different depths.

3. Variable State.—A different type of problem is presented in those cases in which the temperature at each point varies with the time, as is the case near the surface of the soil with variations in the external conditions between day and night or summer and winter. The flow of heat may still be linear if the horizontal layers of the soil are of uniform composition, but the quantity flowing through each layer is no longer the same. Part of the heat is used up in changing the temperature of the successive layers. In this case it is generally more convenient to consider as unit of heat the thermal capacity 𝑐 of unit volume, or that quantity which would produce a rise of one degree of temperature in unit volume of the soil or substance considered. If Q is expressed in terms of this unit in equation (1), it is necessary to divide by 𝑐, or to replace 𝑘 on the right-hand side by the ratio 𝑘/𝑐. This ratio determines the rate of diffusion of temperature, and is called the thermometric conductivity or, more shortly, the diffusivity. The velocity of propagation of temperature waves will be the same under similar conditions in two substances which possess the same diffusivity, although they may differ in conductivity.

4. Emissivity.—Fourier defined another constant expressing the rate of loss of heat at a bounding surface per degree of difference of temperature between the surface of the body and its surroundings. This he called the external conductivity, but the term emissivity is more convenient. Taking Newton’s law of cooling that the rate of loss of heat is simply proportional to the excess of temperature, the emissivity would be independent of the temperature. This is generally assumed to be the case in mathematical problems, but the assumption is admissible only in rough work, or if the temperature difference is small. The emissivity really depends on every variety of condition, such as the size, shape and position of the surface, as well as on its nature; it varies with the rate of cooling, as well as with the temperature excess, and it is generally so difficult to calculate, or to treat in any simple manner, that it forms the greatest source of uncertainty in all experimental investigations in which it occurs.

5. Experimental Methods.—Measurements of thermal conductivity present peculiar difficulties on account of the variety of quantities to be observed, the slowness of the process of conduction, the impossibility of isolating a quantity of heat, and the difficulty of exactly realizing the theoretical conditions of the problem. The most important methods may be classified roughly under three heads—(1) Steady Flow, (2) Variable Flow, (3) Electrical. The methods of the first class may be further subdivided according to the form of apparatus employed. The following are some of the special cases which have been utilized experimentally:—

6. TheWallor Plate Method.—This method endeavours to realize the conditions of equation (1), namely, uniform rectilinear flow. Theoretically this requires an infinite plate, or a perfect heat insulator, so that the lateral flow can be prevented or rendered negligible. This condition can generally be satisfied with sufficient approximation with plates of reasonable dimensions. To find the conductivity, it is necessary to measure all the quantities which occur in equation (1) to a similar order of accuracy. The area A from which the heat is collected need not be the whole surface of the plate, but a measured central area where the flow is most nearly uniform. This variety is known as the “Guard-Ring” method, but it is generally rather difficult to determine the effective area of the ring. There is little difficulty in measuring the time of flow, provided that it is not too short. The measurement of the temperature gradient in the plate generally presents the greatest difficulties. If the plate is thin, it is necessary to measure the thickness with great care, and it is necessary to assume that the temperatures of the surfaces are the same as those of the media with which they are in contact, since there is no room to insert thermometers in the plate itself. This assumption does not present serious errors in the case of bad conductors, such as glass or wood, but has given rise to large mistakes in the case of metals. The conductivities of thin slices of crystals have been measured by C. H. Lees (Phil. Trans., 1892) by pressing them between plane amalgamated surfaces of metal. This gives very good contact, and the conductivity of the metal being more than 100 times that of the crystal, the temperature of the surface is determinate.